the truth really is out there... if you just look for it... i looked for it... and i found it... firstly... before anyone starts wagging their psychopath tongue and pointing their psychopath finger... i want to post this reminder...
Confederaterebel! Mary Ella McGrannahan. I know you even when you leave out your ellipses.
as everyone can see... the creepy psychopath BinkStink had no problem with posting MY name on HER blog on 2/17/2010...
BinkStink crowed all over her blog that i could not report her to the nursing board... because i couldn't possibly have HER name.. and couldn't possibly get it... she has since removed those posts... along with the one in which she gleefully claimed my father was supposedly a KKK member... but i still have the post and code copied... and in her MEAN PEOPLE SUCK whine-a-thon, she alludes to what she said...
I know it is revenge for suggesting her father was a grand poohbah KKK even though that's probably true.
Finding her father after refusing to believe her sob story, and eventually banning her for endless name-calling twaddle was tantamount in her mind to justify fucking with my sole means of support.
nasty BinkStink also felt it was perfectly OK for her post hateful spews like this to me...
.Are you flea infested?Are you running with red open sores from the vermin munching on your ankles?Do your dogs gasp and lay quietly on the ends of their chains, fur matted and eyes dim from starvation and worms?Does your hovel stink from the scarce kitty litter?Or are they shitting up the poor man's yard where you keep your hovel?Do you scoop it up out of some rare impulse to actually be grateful?If you do, where do you PUT the POO?In his garbage can?Or do you dry it and burn it for heat?-bink
i've always had a bit of a problem believing BinkStink's sob story... always... even back on the Catbox...it didn't add up...
if she had a house on 20 acres in Idaho... bought and paid for with the proceeds from a house she owned outright in California... then why was BinkStink soooooo broke she had to CON her fellow Catboxers out of money, as i pointed out in a previous post??... why didn't she just borrow money against the house and 20 acres... IF it was hers????...
then there was the claim that she was sitting there, scared to death of ATM... that she'd 'told the cops everything'... in exchange for an RO... didn't ring true... and tell them WHAT, exactly?... what could she tell them they didn't already know?...
Psychopaths are often pathological liars... and they can often not remember a lie they told ten minutes ago, let alone things they said several years ago... and they seldom put their lies in print... but BinkStink... with her 5000 plus Narc posts on the Catbox... put LOTS OF LIES IN PRINT... LOTS...
and she's also lied recently, of course... in print... here is an excerpt from her blog entry titled HOPE...
March 15, 2010
I was confronted with this choice myself. My ex husband ATM burned through my entire retirement fund and the proceeds from my house sale in California (which was considerable, I sold in in 2005). I was financially destroyed, and have forever lost ground because of it. He sicced his dogs on my animals and injured or killed them. He shot a laying hen with a RIFLE at point blank range because he wanted roast chicken. It blew her to smithereens. I was screaming at him to stop. The neighbors called the cops because they thought I was being killed, what with the rifle shots and all. He threatened to kill me uncountable times. And even today people, family included, do not GET IT, they continue to ask why I put up with it and did not
"leave sooner".
Psychopaths forget the lies they've told... she's forgotten the lies she has previously told... above she says ... 'he threatened to kill me uncountable times'... .but here in a post from the Catbox.... ~
Posted 22 October 2008 - 09:00 PM
My ex abuser ATM was a threatener. He laid hands on me only a few times. Mostly he just threatened to hurt me, and a couple of times, when drunk and furious, to kill me.
which is it??... uncountable times???... or a couple of times???? Psychopaths continually rewrite history and lie-on-the-fly... and you can see it BinkStink rewriting it... right here... for maximum effect... in the post dated March 15, 2010... she calls ATM her ex-husband... but in posts on the Catbox... she told a different story...
We were never married ((((running out of the room to vomit in shame, excuse me, will I ever not want to barf when I tell this story :X ))))
and then there's this one...........
Posted 05 November 2008 - 10:23 PM
the judge PROMISED no more continuances after the trial date set in March. Sometimes I wonder if not having married him will be more of a life saver than I ever thought. In the context of the relationship, he refused to marry me. He would have had to divorce his first wife and pay child support (that was his reasoning). Pardon me while I puke from shame again :X .
not only does she say on the Catbox that they were 'never married'... he couldn't possibly be her 'ex husband'... because she claimed previously that he was still married to someone else!!!!!!
Posted 21 November 2008 - 01:54 PM
No one ever proposed to me. ATM just told me he knew he was "screwed" (his term for hopelessly in love with me) and moved right along into calling me his wife. We'd been dating for several weeks, perhaps eight. Probably less. Trouble was, he was still married to his first wife, who fled back to Japan seven years prior and refused to come back to the states (now I know why). He made two half hearted attempts to divorce her.
hmmmmmmm... but by 2009 BinkStink had rewritten history again...
ATM has an ex, in Japan
it's soooo hard to keep up with a Psychopath's lies!!. even when they're in print... geeez... and then there is the matter of ATM... and the alleged RESTRAINING ORDER she has against him...
Posted 10 July 2009 - 01:24
ATM made many, many attempts to get this and that from the house. My lawyer had put a stop to taking any of the marital (WAIT A MINUTE!!..in other posts she states CLEARLY that they WERE NEVER MARRIED!) assets. Didn't stop ATM from trying. Since I had a RO, he couldn't approach me without a sheriff being present. And the sheriffs had a copy of the decree from the lawyer so they wouldn't cooperate
Posted 20 January 2008 - 03:29 PM
ATM is grandiose and entitled and he thinks he is above the "law", and once I kicked him out went nuts trying to break the RO to get next to me.
Posted 23 August 2008 - 09:49 AM
I allowed my year long RO to lapse in July . . . ATM doesn't know where I live, and his attention span is so short I doubt he would successfully find me. It was a "civil restraining order", not a domestic protection order, so he was allowed to keep his firearms
then there is the matter of ATM supposedly being in prison...
Posted 05 November 2008 - 06:59 PM
That absolute farthead, who is in prison and will be for at least another year, is fomenting again
wait a minute!!!. in november of '08 he's in PRISON.. and will be for 'at least another year'... but in August of '08 her RO expired and she doesn't think he can find her anyway... wait... i thought he was in prison!!.
it's so hard to keep up with the LIES... let's try again...
Posted 15 May 2009 - 01:05 PM
I haven't seen his face or had any contact with him for two years, and he is safely incarcerated in prison due to his drug addiction but mostly stupidity and believing he is above the law. I've had time to heal a bit and see objectively what kind of situation I was in while I was with him (he is not in prison.....and he is VERY CLOSE TO WHERE SHE LIVES.. i'm sure she knows this)
there's a bit of a problem with all of this... i searched Idaho court records... that
go back to 1995... and... there is no evidence that there was EVER a restraining order !!.. and... there is no evidence that ATM ever went to jail!!.. in fact... the case against him was DROPPED... couldn't find him in the Idaho Department of Corrections site... could find no evidence of him on the Washington State department of corrections site... or in the federal prisoner locator... looks like it was ALL A LIE!!
sorry BinkStink... .aka... Kimberly Anne Stewart... there is no record of you ever getting a restraining order against Timothy M. Haugen!!!! the court case against ATM aka Timothy M. Haugen was DISMISSED... there is no evidence to suggest that ATM went to 'prison'... not in the state of Idaho!!. and there is no record of a restraining order ever being issued to YOU... or anyone else...

State of Idaho vs. Timothy M Haugen
No hearings scheduled
Case: CR-2007-0000652
Magistrate Judge: Randall W. Robinson
Amount due: $0.00
Violation Date
I37-2732(C)(1) Controlled Substance-possession Of Arresting Officer: Cordle, Guy, 2000
Finding: Dismissed By Prosecutor Disposition date: 06/28/2007 Fines/fees: $0.00
Register of actions:
New Case Filed - Felony
Criminal Complaint
Affidavit Of Probable Cause
Order Determining Probable Cause After Arrest Without Warrant
Hearing Scheduled (Arraignment 06/18/2007 01:00 PM)
Statement of Defendant's Rights - Felony
Hearing result for Arraignment held on 06/18/2007 01:00 PM: Arraignment / First Appearance
Financial Statement And Order
Defendant: Haugen, Timothy M Appearance John R Hathaway
Hearing Scheduled (Preliminary 06/29/2007 11:00 AM)
Order Of Commitment Pending Posting Of Bail
Request For Discovery
State's Discovery
Motion To Dismiss
Motion Granted
Court Minutes
Dismissed by Motion of the Prosecutor with hearing (I37-2732(C)(1) Controlled Substance-possession Of)
Hearing result for Preliminary held on 06/29/2007 11:00 AM: Hearing Vacated
Order Of Release From Custody
Subpoena Returned
Subpoena Returned
Subpoena Returned
Subpoena Returned
and as for the cabin and 20 acres...
1030 Hjalmar Johnson Road, Weippe, Idaho has only ONE OWNER listed... Mr. Timothy M. Haugen... and it STILL belongs to him!!!
am i STALKING you, BinkStink??.. NO!!. did i RESEARCH you?... YES... because you attacked me and called ME a liar, when i had always suspected that YOU were one!!!! and it turns out i was CORRECT...
all the information i have about you is a matter of public record... and a LOT of it, you made public yourself!!!!
there's GOLD in them thar' google caches!!!!!