Saturday, March 20, 2010


BinkStink is a paragon of PROJECTION... she just loves to accuse others of what she is doing and thinking... in a recent diatribe she sent to someone she called me a 'crazy killer'... and yet it's BinkStink who almost continually talks about guns, and using them... NOT ME... it's BinkStink who, on the Catbox posted time and again about owning guns... and her plans to use to them to shoot the allegedly nefarious ATM... it's BinkStink whose posts really are full of violence and threats of violence... BinkStink calls me a violent killer... it's very typical of Narcs and Psychopaths to turn around their own THOUGHTS and PROCLIVITIES and project them onto others... as we will see here in a small sampling of quotes from BinkStink herself...
Posted 10 October 2007 - 04:19 PM
Needless to say I did my business at the mini market, turned around and sped four miles back home, shaking. I sound so tough, you know, but I'm not. I go for weeks without hearing a word or even seeing him, which is amazing since there are less than 400 people in this hamlet. But when I do see him, even for a nanosecond, all I want to do is speed home, lock all the doors and windows and gates, make sure my pistol has a bullet in the chamber and LIE LOW.

Posted 09 November 2007 - 11:45 PM

Yes I know how to use the gun, it's a 9mm Walther. I like heck don't want to use it but I will. He taught me how, guns are one of his passions. .

My greatest hope
. . this sounds terrible, but it's true . . . is that he'll go to prison or end up dead.

Posted 28 August 2007 - 03:28 AM
I threw a teflon pan at him and gashed his leg, I don't think "cute" fits too well. I was just as crazy as he was by the time the inevitable happened.
I know this sounds dramatic but I am SO ANGRY with myself. I'm plenty angry with the Doof and will take out his leg if he sets foot on this property.

Posted 17 July 2009 - 03:25 AM
when we victims of DV wait "too long" to end the cycle and save ourselves, some funny things happen in our heads. For instance, murder is justified, and worth the consequences. I know I had the thought cross my mind. I saw no other way out

I can especially relate to that anger, and to having accesible firearms and knowing how to use them and getting SO absolutely beyond desperate that it seemed like my only option to save myself.

so he pointed a gun at her first? THEN she blew him away?Hmmmm.
Sounds good to me.

hmmmmmmmmmmm indeed, BinkStink!!!
Posted 14 July 2009 - 01:01 PM
I also had a drug addicted abuser, who threatened over and over to bash my skull in. He was doing meth. I got a restraining order and sat in my house for nine months with a loaded 9mm pistol.

ATM doesn't know where I am. It felt strange not to have that gun with me at first, but it didn't take long to realize I didn't NEED it, and that I was finally free. ( she's still got it...and talks about wanting to USE it on her blog...keep reading)

Posted 23 September 2009 - 04:28 PM
I agree it's disturbing to hear someone use the word "kill" but let's be honest here. How many of us have thought about "the burning bed", hmmmm?? The despair of living with a disturbed person has that effect. Lot's of members here have felt such despair that suicide seems to be a relief. I OFTEN visualized ATM completely out of my hair, if you know what I mean.
I often say that I was afraid something terrible would happen if I hadn't split with my abuser. I didn't just mean something bad would happen to ME. The rage was at a breaking point.

Posted 23 August 2008 - 02:24 PM
My war stories aren't funny. Maybe not YET. I did mess with ATM sometimes, but mostly I get off on more direct "assaults", like throwing saucepans.

Posted 05 May 2008 - 03:00 PM
I carry spiders outside in jars (shivering and skeeving the whole time) but I believed I could take pot shots at ATM with my pistol if I felt the dire necessity.

Posted 03 May 2009 - 05:18 PM
I really didn't DO anything about it. Except notify the sherriff when he broke the RO. He only broke it about three times. Sometimes I think the only reason he didn't harrass me further -- he is very very obsessive -- is because he taught me how to shoot and I was packing

I got an image of the scene in the first Indiana Jones movie where this guy squares off with Indiana Jones with a scimitar, and Jones makes a face and blows him away. His hands are deadly weapons my butt! Can they stop a .44 :p :lol:?

looks like BinkStink herself is quite the gun nut as well as being just a NUT...
and she's still talking about guns... and KILLING PEOPLE WITH THEM... on her
creepy little blog...

I comfort myself with being the equivalent of a barbed bone in the throat of abusive jerks nowadays, but eventually, I think the goal is to avoid getting inside their mouth. To see the teeth coming, and in the great example of Hothead Paison, Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist, stick the barrel of my Walther in there instead.

uh huh... i see... .BinkStink has certainly shown herself to be abusive... and i've shown clear evidence here of her ummmmmm extreme interest in GUNS... BinkStink armed only with her poor mental health and her rabid tongue is scary enough... but BinkStink with loaded weapons is a very scary thought...and i think even she knows it... let me again quote her.....
Posted 30 October 2007 - 03:04 PM

I was instrumental in getting my ex arrested. As desperate as I was to even do this, I still felt like you do, frickin SORRY that it even had to come to this. It was a pretty horrible feeling . . even though I was so wanting him just gone.They arrest these gun nut/abuser types for a dam good reason, and I'm so glad you have these people on your side. Bink
yeah BinkStink... they watch and arrest you gun nut/ abuser types for a good reason... a very good reason... because it's your type BinkStink, who is truly 'DANGEROUS'...


Anonymous said...

You mean that you got booted off for even mentioning you want your ex dead; but Bink posted a whole bunch of posts about killing her ex and how she was going to do it and those admins did nothing?

Why am I not surprised. I got pretty sick of their "O.K. for me but not for thee" bull myself.