Although BinkStink has been outed here as a Narcissistic Abuser... and is currently without a supply of victims... i do want to make mention of her cohort Moongoddess... who has slithered over to Our Place ...
i know that several members of Our Place... and several Adminstrators have been reading my blog... Adminstrators, i just want to make you aware of what you have recruited... she sounds like just your type!!!. and i want members to be BEWARE of BinkStink's cohort, Moongoddess... here is the link to the thread concerning their banning from the Catbox:
and here are a few excerpts from a post to BinkStink from a member of the Catbox, regarding Earthgoddess/Moongoddess... and what some people thought of her and her behavior:
The person you've expressed the most unqualified approval of in this entire post is "Earthgoddess." Yet it's Earthgoddess who got you into trouble. It's Earthgoddess who got you kicked off that board. Oh, I realize you chose your own behavior, but it's clear from what you said that she was a huge influence on you. It looks to me as if part of the reason you got banned was "guilt by association" with Earthgoddess. Anyway if it hadn't been for her you wouldn't have been doing the things that got you banned. Once again, what I'm getting out of this is that you chose your friends badly.
Earthgoddess brought you down too.The thread you mentioned seeing on October 6 is still there on that Catbox board. Reading through that, it's clear that more than one member felt attacked on that board, sometimes by you but especially by Earthgoddess. They said they saw her going after new posters too. So this was not all about PMs you were exchanging with her behind the scenes. It was about complaints from members as well. Maybe they misjudged you about this "posting in tandem" business you mentioned, which is why you got tarred with the same brush as Earthgoddess. But when you called her a "smart cookie," it sounds as if what you really meant was a smartASS, if her chief occupation was going around dissing people. That's not going to make her popular with some, especially a board's administration. What's more, they made it clear on that thread that Earthgoddess at least had been attacking some people in person, not just behind their backs, and persistently too. There was even a hint that she could be delusional, or some kind of nutjob.So did you pick another "crazy" for a friend without knowing it, a friend who was too blind to see why she got the "formal warning" you mentioned? Just as relevant, is it possible that the earlier friend you mentioned was a bit "crazy" too? Could Prudence have been right after all? If that's the way the board's owner saw it, that the "friend" you mentioned was crazy and you didn't spot it, that might have given her cause to question your judgment of the posters you'd be managing.What you've said here suggests that if you had been part of the administration team, you'd probably have come into conflict with them over the need to ban "nuisance posters" like Earthgoddess. If you can't see eye to eye with their judgments and their policies, that's a logical, not an arbitrary reason for the board's owner to remove you from the team. That may be an idea worth mulling over.
the decent, REAL abuse victim members of Our Place might want to 'mull over' the latest recruit... and BEWARE...
and here is an excerpt from BinkStink's 'bio' section of her journal... she tells it like it is... in her own words:'About all I can handle right now is primary relationships with animals, of whom I have total control'
although she feigned concern for my pets... it's HER animals i'm concerned about!!. innocent animals... in the care of an abusive control freak... God help them...
from the ferocity of her attacks on me...i'd say she's one hungry little Narcissistic Vampire... been sitting there starving since Irene booted her from the Catbox... she has no mercy or compassion or empathy for anyone...except the abusive bitches from those forums... her kith and kin...
BinkStink went on to show ZERO interest in my post on the 90, 000 homeless people in Los Angeles County alone... she refused to acknowledge or discuss the numbers of unemployed and homeless abuse victims in this country... showed no interest in discussing the lack of services and real help for abuse victims ANYWHERE... her sole motive and purpose was to ATTACK ME... and it shows... i have probably shown enough of BinkStink's abusive behavior here... i will wind up this part of the presentation with her last few nasty posts to me... including two she deleted, but which i had already copied...
from BinkStink (my comments in PURPLE):
Re: a little something for you
At least your blog didn't crash my computer (thanks for the trojan). (Paranoid!!.. lying.. she was using a HOSPITAL computer... she's playing victim... and what is the SHE doing reading my blog anyway?) At least it doesn't say anything new, just more of the same invective you spew about everyone and everything. (she must mean her abusive friends you will later see HER attack)
Like I said last night, I am beginning to agree with you, rather against my desire to see you triumph over your situation. As many, many have. I hoped you would be one of them. Instead this has become a weird Faust and Mephistopheles of domestic abuse recovery.(she is stuck on this line of bullshit... must make her feel smart) You seem to relate to "hope" and encouragement as attacks and blaming. The word "responsibility" goes through your machine and turns into "blaming the victim" rather than "tools for recovery". Perhaps you are a victim of something far worse and malignant than the "natural remedies" of interpersonal support and encouragement can help? (here we go again) And I truly mean this in terms of "you can't help it". I really don't think you CAN help it. You seem trapped on a hamster wheel.That's why I bring up the subject of money. Would THAT help you, instead of all this insipid encouragement? If someone wrote you a big fat check? You want connection and relationship, but yet when people DO connect with you, you end up chasing them away. You get banned or ignored and end up alone, again and again. I realize that fits in with your paradigm perfectly, and reinforces it.
Which is what leads me to think, among many other things, why you are indeed hopeless (make up your mind, YOU'RE THE ONE DEFINING ME... am i hopeless or am i not?) Just a reminder. What you went though with your psychopath, and what I went through with mine, and all the other women and men who've been dealt similar blows, do the same kind of damage to each of us. Your damage is not special or unique, and neither are you. ( Narcs love to remind others that THEY are 'nothing special... i heard that about ten million times from the psychopath i was married too... but it looks like she sure as hell thinks she's SPECIAL... diminishing... belittling)That's the hope and the promise. But in your mind, it is the reason to give up and turn your hurt onto other people for not REALLY helping you, which I am coming to conclude would only be to send money.If that's what you want -- real, practical HELP -- then you'd better tone down your invective or no one will WANT to help such a vindictive, ungrateful, snarling pathetic thing. You drive people away with your words and deeds, NOT with the pain of the abuse you've endured.(AGAIN...defining me and my reality...) That does NOT frighten me. And frankly, your snarling does not either, having spent 17 years in the industry being snarled at and getting paid big bucks for it. (snide braggart... another hallmark of a NARCISSIST)
I have to wonder why I'm doing it for free LOL. Consider it a gift. (we'll see what the nursing board has to say about her gifting me with unlicensed psychological 'advice') I am fresh out of money myself, making just enough to provide for my own family, for which I am every day grateful. (CLASSIC EXAMPLE of a NARC contradicting themselves in the same paragraph!.. 'paid big bucks for it'... 'making just enough to provide for my family, fresh out of money'... which is it???.. and i don't recall soliciting money or anything else from her, or anyone else on those forums... that's her SMEAR CAMPAIGN)
Abusers prefer to abuse in private. They fear exposure of their abuse. So they need to discredit anyone who can point the finger at them. An abuser's preferred tactic is the Smear Campaign. They spread lies, character assassination, malicious gossip, backstabbing with factless innuendo and cruel insinuation. Smearing the reputation of someone else (often using projection accusing them of doing what the abuser has done) is a major indicator of personality disorders.

RE: Psycho
YOU MARRIED HIM. You thought he was a pretty good deal yourself. I suspect there was a time his nefarious deeds (criminal activity, drug addiction) were lookin' pretty good to you. Together you could rip off the whole world and sit pretty on your real estate millions, together. ceptin's crime does NOT pay.(now watch this Narc take a little bit that she knows about me... i was a real estate broker married to a psychopath... the drug addiction crap about HIM she got from reading my blog... so she takes little snippets of information and pieces a few pieces of TRUTH into a big PACK OF LIES... and next thing you know i'm a CRIMINAL... see how these psychos work???.. you can't make this sort of spew up!.. i guess she'd do ANYTHING to keep from answering a question!!.. she reminds me so much of the Psychopath i was married to it makes my skin crawl)
You know . . . unless you can insert some creativity into your personal attacks, I'm getting tired of you.You project your own narcissistic rage like a fricken Hippodrome. Step it up, Mary. (there's that 'Hippodrome' schizophasia bullshit... and abusers will often call there victim by name when talking down to them... like someone would scold a child... or a dog... very nasty)and now she launches into gaslighting .. she has blamed me for my abuse over and over and over... but now she she changes tactics:Why do you WISH for harm to come to other people, when you have been so harmed yourself?(dishing up the GUILT...trying to make me feel bad for exposing her abusive buddies and their abusive forums..) Do you have a heart or not?(not for those bitches) you didn't deserve what you got from your psycho ex. (see how she's simply changed tactics?.. a minute ago he and i were both psychopath criminals working together to rob the world,remember?) Why would anyone else deserve to be harmed by him? (remember, just a couple of posts back she said I was abusing HIM, remember?) That line of logic infers that you deserved what YOU got. (defining me... telling ME what i think and feel and believe, pathological circular talk) Is that what you think? If so, it's NOT TRUE. You did nothing to deserve his abuse.then she switches back to this line of attack... now she BLAMES ME AGAIN...
You married and bound your finances with a dog murdering psychopath and still use his NAME.(BLAMING... FINGER POINTING... SMEARING... btw, did any of you know you were marrying a psychopath or narcissist?... Bink here thinks I did!!.. defining me again...) You slowly doom your animals to starvation and illness and neglect, supposedly(who supposes this?... again SMEARING , BLAMING FINGER POINTING, ACCUSING). You tell lies to get sympathy and money. (MORE OF THE SAME) You try to take advantage of a system meant to help the TRULY needy. (MORE OF THE SAME... and only BinkStink can apparently judge who is 'truly needy') What is your opinion of yourSELF? (certainly not as low as she would like for it to be)and here she comes at me again... assuming, defining, guilting, shaming, lying, smearing... and attacking my love for my pets... she is starting to sink low... grasping for anything she can use to try to hurt me... (all she's really doing is proving how screwed up SHE is... without any help from me)
There isn't enough WRONG with your ass for you to be sitting on it moaning.You are not psychotic.You have two arms and two legs that work. Your intelligence is intact. Your PTSD is REAL and it is terrible. It is definitely an obstacle in your life. However, it is NOT so bad that you have been designated "disabled". That is not a ray of hope for you, I know. I don't know what you should do, except to get off your ass. You have bricked yourself in with Yes, Buts. You've convinced yourself (somewhat) that you are incapable of rising up out of the ashes, but you protesteth too much for me to actually believe you. Wake up and smell the coffee. Just because you paid taxes, in the REAL WORLD does not mean you are owed them back. Wish it and shake your fist at the establishment all you want, you'll stay in your "hovel" with starving animals that someone should probably report you for.(i'm getting sick of the 'starving animals' attacks... she knows i love my pets and thinks this is an EXCELLENT WAY TO ATTACK ME.. she's a vicious rabid bitch)now on to threatening... still pounding away at me:
From this point forward I will delete your comments unread unless you answer my question.Why? Because I can. (wow...if this isn't typical NARC talk... 'because i can'... that's what the psychopath used to say when he was beating me... and i would say 'why are you doing this to me?'... that was his answer... because i CAN ) This blog is for people who can reciprocate (WHAT A CROCK OF's for the self agrandizement of a PSYCHOPATH - HER!). Answer my question, if you will. I did allow Kilroy to leave his new comment up (Gadfly77), maybe you could go gnash your teeth at him while you think about answering me. (controlling, authoritarian... and she has yet to answer a single question posted to HER) I won't delete those comments.Hmmm. I am wishing harm upon Kilroy. That's not nice of me. On the bright side, someone will respond to him. (no one does... by now everyone has fled the scene, even her cohort Tallulah)
by this point she is raging out of control... unable to beat me into submission with words... no matter what she tries... now she attacks my mental health... this vicious spew is one of the posts that is going to get a complaint filed against her with the nursing board and the hospital she works at:
No, no honey.I was talking to YOU. You. Mary. You, Mary. Me, BinkStink. Your repertoire. I know you hated the Seroquel and Zyprexa. But they really do help you firm up those interpersonal boundaries. I'm sure you have a near full bottle around there somewhere. And some Benadryl for the itching. (she's getting nastier by the minute... feeding off her own rage... abusers want only to CONTROL... and i have continued to resist her attacks... it's driving her over the edge... as she tries to think of SOMETHING... ANYTHING to lash out at me with)
and then she makes her FINAL ATTEMPT... and unleashes this nasty despicable spew... which she erased... but again... i had already copied it and the codes to show it was from HER... i sent it to her by email and she then reposted it...
you can clearly see from her posts how she becomes more and more and more enraged when she cannot bring me 'under control'... by now she no longer cares who is watching... she no longer cares what she is saying... or that it is in PRINT... all she can think about is HURTING ME... she gives it one last shot... gives it all she's got:
2010-01-03 09:30 pm (UTC) .
Are you flea infested?Are you running with red open sores from the vermin munching on your ankles? Do your dogs gasp and lay quietly on the ends of their chains, fur matted and eyes dim from starvation and worms? Does your hovel stink from the scarce kitty litter? Or are they shitting up the poor man's yard where you keep your hovel? Do you scoop it up out of some rare impulse to actually be grateful? If you do, where do you PUT the POO? In his garbage can? Or do you dry it and burn it for heat?
i posted to her that my my sole purpose in life is to care for my pets... and that i will not tolerate this kind of attack from anyone, including her... i go on to tell her that now she has gone too far... and make mention of her being a nurse... and her SCHIZOPHASIA... i tell her that i can prove the care and love that my pets receive... through copies of billing and from testimonials from veterinarians and people in various animal rights and rescue organizations...
on January 4th she posted this defiant piece of SCHIZOPHASIA (word salad)... and scurried off to post her 'disturbed individual' pre-emptive strike against me (which I already posted)...
ROTFL!! Musta struck a chord somewhere! Your Hippodrome projector reveals what is within YOU. You've given us a sad picture of your wishes and fears and desires.
ROLLING IN THE FLOOR LAUGHING!!.. all abusers take great delight in abusing others... it brings them great joy... as you can see, she thinks she's done nothing wrong....abusers feel they are entitled to abuse.. you can also see that like many NARCISSISTIC ABUSERS... she feels she is untouchable... out of reach... beyond punishment...
perhaps she has taken time to rethink that... because now she has stopped posting to her journal altogether... no more hateful snide comments... no comments at all... now, like all abusers...she has run off to hide from any threat of consequences... but she will NEVER EVER apologize... or admit she was wrong... never... and when she is hit with consequences... she will try to turn my defense of myself into an attack on her... that I was "unprovoked" (LOL)... that's what ABUSERS do...
she has continued to read my blog... although she's stopped reading it from the computers at PROVIDENCE MEDICAL CENTER... i fought back against my abuse by my PSYCHOPATH husband... and i will fight back against her abuse too...
i am going to post some of BinkStink's musings from her own blog... i think they give great insight into the mind of this ABUSER.....
she was banned from the Catbox for emails she was exchanging with Moongoddess/Earthgoddess... using the Catbox personal message system, saying things about other members, the administrators and Irene herself....
the first is an excerpt from an open letter to Dr. Irene and the administrative team... using the well worn abuser's HOOVER MANUEVER, BLAME SHIFTING, REVISING HISTORY, EXPLAINING AWAY HER ABUSE and CIRCULAR TALK...
It was with complete shock that I signed on with my coffee one morning and found I had been banned. We both know there was no “due process” involved, and it didn’t take me long to realize your reasoning must be because of the content of private messages Earthgoddess and I sent to each other. (i'm sure... Abusers are always shocked when they are caught and punished)
I’m pretty sure our private messages to each other did not lead me (or EG) to openly disrespect the admin staff or Irene in our public postings. I can separate my personal opinions from my public behavior. I know the Catbox rules and did not break any that I am aware of. Snarking behind the scenes ought to be included explicitly in the posted rules. (here she is SUCKING UP... and Litte Miss "It's the Victim's Fault" is now blaming her being abusive on there not being a RULE against stabbing her fellow adminstrators and Irene in the back! geeez)
There were very hard feelings, on my part, when I was let go from the admin team. But I cooled off for about three months and resumed my participation when I was able to put it aside for the sake of the members. It felt like I’d come back home. I had no intentions of carrying on my hard feelings. I do not believe I did, publically, in any way.
We discussed other members, gossiped about them with abandonI would not ever say, directly, my personal opinions to you. That’s all they were. I understand that all people are multidimensional. You were seeing my backside, here. Not my best self. Not a self I would ever share directly. I don’t even believe I am right in my assessments. I was venting, gossiping, spewing. All things I confined to private conversations with a trusted friend. (gossiping about the abuse victims posting on that board for help, support & advice - how altruistic of her!)
This is how difficult it is to tell who is abusing whom. (DIFFICULT for her, maybe) The victim and perp are a single continuum. I am not accusing anyone of abusing me. I am pointing out how perspective can be lost when people stop questioning themselves honestly.
I apologize deeply if what I wrote to Earthgoddess hurt any of you. You simply were never meant to read it, or hear it, or ever experience it. I suppose you have no one to blame but yourselves for that one.
there you have it... the offended parties are to BLAME for reading her offensive words!!.. BinkStink can't even SUCK UP without blaming the victims!!
in the next installment, BinkStink, who will start to refer to herself in THIRD PERSON... describes her mood as 'REALLY PISSED" (my invective in PURPLE again):
here she is talking about Dr. Irene:
I LIKE psychologists. Unnaturally.(hmmm) Having wanted to become one, I idealize them. A person who makes their life’s work the issues of the downtrodden and hurt is, or rather, MUST be a good person. Incapable, or at least, not-as-likely to rain down hell on you. A person you can trust without knowing them at all.
and now she is talking about the women from Our Place who she continues to defend and try to get her fellow nutjob Tallulah to get her onto; even after having this to say about them herself:
I defended Dr Irene, because I was appalled by the behavior of many of the departing membership. Friendships degenerated into something I don’t have a word for. Vulnerable information was used against each other abusively.(so that's where she learned that trick!) It looked just like a chimpanzee war with all the shit flying. (guess I wasn't the first to think of the flying monkeys analogy!!!)
Membership on Catbox spinoffs soared and became venues for some of the most destructive and blatantly abusive tripe I’ve seen. By people who I thought were friends. People who had themselves been abused, had turned to rage and abusive behavior themselves.
WAIT! she attacks ME for exposing these same women as ABUSIVE... but then she, on her own blog, calls them ABUSIVE!.. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, BINKSTINK!... typical abuser - adjusting her rhetoric to fit what reaction she wants at the time.
now on to her short & frightening stint as an Adminstrator:
My adminship was a whole six weeks long. PrudenceB and I did not get along well. At first we did. She was articulate and funny as long as her serum narcotics were at a therapeutic level. In their nadir, she was frantic and paranoid, and posted perseveratively on the admin board about this and that “crazy” poster. She started threads about various members, giving her assessment of their psychological state of being. Unflattering ones, usually. (this all sounds strangely FAMILIAR!)
PrudenceB accused me of attacking her via PM. (HARD TO IMAGINE :P ) The rest of the new admin team took her words at face value. I asked PrudenceB to publically post my “attack PM”, but she was too busy with her wrecked life to do so. Dr Irene flibberty-gibbetted and wrung her hands and demanded I call her on the phone. I did, and in our twenty minute conversation, she did all the talking which I didn’t remember five minutes later. She posted on the admin board about our “conversation” and attributed to me about a thousand things I did not say, and said them for me. I politely and firmly responded that I felt sick that I was so misunderstood by her. I was fired the next day.(this all sounds strangely familiar too!!! I think pot met kettle when BinkStink and Dr. Irene had their 'chat')
I never did find out what I did wrong. (there you go)
Now on the her buddy Moongoddess/Earthgoddess:
I gave her the link to Our Place. (looks like that's how BinkStink took her revenge on Our Place, huh)
We had the most hilarious, irreverent character sketches going . . . and no one was safe. We behaved ourselves in public, but behind the scenes, we had FUN (making fun of abuse victims behind the scenes is FUN???)
Dr Irene was also included in our snarking. Of course she was. (of COURSE she was) I had a huge chip on my shoulder, OK? I’d defended the bitch and lost my community. She was a confusing person with contradictions that I felt needed to be explored. With humor, and worse. (...typical abuser saying her abuse was ACCEPTABLE...)
When Earthgoddess received a formal warning for a post she’d made a month prior, I helped her through it. I told her it was probably a mistake that she got a FORMAL warning, the kind that shows up under your user name. Granted, the admin team limped along and had some screwballs in it and the titular head, Dr Irene, was a real piece of work, but they wouldn’t be UNFAIR. They would follow their own rules, wouldn’t they?
Two weeks later (was it that long?) I opened up the Catbox to discover Earthgoddess and I were “no longer members of the board”. I probably couldn’t have been MORE shocked. We had apparently been “posting in tandem” and breaking rules right and left. Conspiring together behind the scenes and victimizing the Catbox membership. Our disposal was characterized as “making the Catbox a safe place” (NO DOUBT!) and underscored several times were allusions to our clandestine, behind the scenes machinations. AGAINST the Catbox members themselves. (...BinkStink admits to doing this but now she's shocked for being called on doing it??? Narcissistic Abuser!!!)I think we addressed Tahwaaaandah as a dishrag and Chelli as hopelessly codependent, but we didn’t spend much time on them because they don’t stick their heads out and shoot alien tentacles from their orifices like some. I suppose it also makes sense that we recklessly posted and giggled about everyone in the background, but these people we supposedly giggled about were US, were our sisters and brothers and the time (it was suggested) we spent in collusion to objectify them and make the Catbox unsafe for all is what does not make sense. Unless we were cleverly disguised sociopaths, which we aren’t. (UH HUH... the mob that can not see itself!)
I guess we really hit home somewhere along the line. Good to have the validation. (...and I must thank BinkStink for validating every single thing I have said on this blog since DAY ONE... every. single. thing.)
Your private messages are being read and monitored by Dr Irene and Catbox administration. If you jack them behind the scenes, they will know. They print off the PMs and leave them on a stack on the backs of their toilets, to entertain themselves on the can. They want to know how YOU FEEL. They are afraid you may foment a revolution!! And take their precious, precarious and entirely imaginary “power” away from them. They have become ugly, diminished versions of themselves, narrowed and squelched. But in their behavior, dictated by their fear and thirst to maintain control, they have become caricatures. In their righteousness, they have committed the sins of the abuser. The mindfucking, the gaslighting (maybe the sender deleted their OWN PMs???) the planting of seeds of paranoia. Among the most vulnerable of us all. Shame on you. SHAME ON YOU!!! (shame on them?... for calling YOU and your abusive 'sisters' on your ABUSE of members??... can you smell the sanctimony...)
Earthgoddess tried to convince me for months that Irene is a narcissist. Truly, I couldn’t see it. Obviously she can, and does, diminish people into pathetic, tortured souls incapable of seeing the light (as she does, and anyone who agrees with her line). That's been my lesson. (and one she's learned and co-opted very well)
And I am not welcome to join them on Our Place, perhaps. Because I fell for the line of an abuser, and ran with it, spreading the sickness. For that, I apologize from the depth of my soul. I never intended to hurt, or harm. (you just said you did!!!) I believed at the time that I was doing the right thing. It was a very honest and straightforward MISTAKE. Which I humbly accept responsibility for. (SUCK UP... this whole post was about blame-shifting and explaining it away and now she 'takes responsibility'... and this woman walks among us...)
In the meantime . . . Bink seems to be finished. (talking about herself in third person..never a good sign) Am I sad? Yes. She is a “person” to me, an internet presence I poured myself into..
There is a snake in the garden disguised as a saint. The FIRST place to look is ALWAYS within yourSELF.Anyone with a modicum of independent thinking will, in the very least, be suspicious, and a little dizzy from the spin. Your contempt for the people you spent years of your life getting educated to help is SHOWING. You can try to explain your behavior but it will always speak louder than your words (yours too, BinkStink... yours too!)
ragging again on the members of Our Place:
Further, the BEHAVIOR I witnessed from the retreating membership was shocking to me. In retrospect it was only a few people who made really big splashes. A lawyer, a few very angry women. I, personally (just me here, OK?) was disgusted. People can get angry all they want. They have every right, and I totally agree with the righteousness of the anger that predominated that time. What I couldn't stomach was using that anger to justify attacking Irene. No one, no matter what they do, "deserves" abuse. Not even our abusers. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? If we are to have any integrity at all, we must see that. As victims of abuse, it is our JOB forevermore to put a stop to it whenever we can. And it starts in our own behavior. (????!!!!.. i'm about to vomit at this crap! Does she remember what she says?.. clearly not, another sign of mental instability!!! wouldn't that be her own diagnosis????
Irene told us all, clearly, WHO SHE IS. What she is willing to do when she is called on the carpet. She is vindictive and nasty and could give a shit about a person's safety from their abuser if she herself is threatened.I am not a therapist, and I would never do such a thing.( SHE WOULDN'T?? ISN'T THIS WHAT SHE DID TO ME?.. read installments ONE and TWO) I was personally attacked in a gruesome way, accused of begging for money by the people who OFFERED me small sums in response to a post I made. A sick twist of facts is all it was. (AGAIN... DIDN'T SHE JUST ATTACK ME, CLAIMING I AM BEGGING FOR MONEY???) But I have not even NAMED those people, or attempted revenge or anything of the sort. It's not that I am super specially KIND, it's that I know it's the wrong thing to do and I am not going to repeat a wrong. (OMG!! ...BinkStink is clearly seriously delusional..) A person willing to return a "wrong" with another "wrong" is a person whom you cannot trust. (!!!!!) I've certainly learned that thanks to my abuse scenarios.(apparently she has NOT)Since I am not myself welcome to join Our Place, it seems silly I’d be part of a secret underground to steal Catbox members. I suppose it could be said I’m doing it out of spite for the Catbox. (could be said... and thanks again for proving this blog CORRECT!!!)
I do acknowledge that there is a problem with recruitment PM's from another site. This has been a problem since the beginning of the year. (narcing out Our Place for recruiting members from the Catbox... something they have always denied and continue to deny!!!!!!! thanks!!.. well Our Place... guess that 'cat' is out of the bag!!.. God Bless BinkStink and her big mouth... keyboard!)
as you read this one... bear in mind she is talking about being punished by DR. IRENE... and yet look how closely it compares to how she behaved toward ME... proving the PATTERN of her ABUSIVE PERSONALITY:
I regret that I have lost trust to the point that my words now are not believed. I brought that on myself. Perhaps I am really blind; in fact, I know I am, to many things about myself. Since I was fired from the admin team, which truly confused me at the time, I have been curious about the “me” that seems to bring this stuff on. I am the common denominator. I am doing SOMETHING. (abusing people, perhaps?)
Perhaps I am so dogged and persistent that I am bullying, running roughshod over people.(PERHAPS!!!)
Perhaps they feel stomped into the ground. ( TURBO PERHAPS!!!!)
Perhaps I am still so self-centered that I just can’t see it. (or PERHAPS she does see it and is PLAYING VICTIM and keeping her abuse compartmentalized so she can excuse or forget she even did it!!!)
I would appreciate seeing it (you heard her!!! well, here it is BinkStink... in one neat spot... SEE IT). . . so I will stop freakin DOING IT.
I ended up the object of some pretty mean accusations. That tells me that I made a person SO ANGRY that lashing out back at me was something they felt justified in doing. (YES!!) That I harmed people, and I was getting my just desserts.I know abusers say they “don’t remember” being abusive. I am saying the exact same thing.(PERHAPS that's because she's an ABUSER) And I understand why abusers say that. They don’t believe they were being abusive, and we’re asking them to remember something ABUSIVE that they’ve done. They felt justified in what they said or did, and to them, it wasn’t abusive.I’m saying the same thing .If what I said and did was abusive, I deeply apologize. (IF... one of an ABUSER'S favorite PLOYS) Apart from some pretty obvious jabs I took at Epiphany and Mr Mopus, I don’t see what I said or did otherwise that was abusive. (of course NOT) I am not saying I BELIEVE I was never abusive, I’m saying I don’t SEE IT. And I am willing to see it. I need help seeing it, obviously. (your help is here BinkStink... read and read and read these posts perservatively...)
What I want to do is “right the wrong”. I don’t want this kind of crap messing up any more of my relationships. Of COURSE I miss the community and regret no longer being a trusted member of it. (too late for THAT!!) But I also respect the consensus, and can totally accept it. (no you can't or you wouldn't be whining about it... you miss the power & control...) I mainly wish to know what I did, the effect my words and behaviors had, to make me such a damn pariah. I want to “right the wrong”, for myself and for the sake of the people around me.I can’t YET accept responsibility and accountability for something I do not realize I am doing, or have done.(of course NOT... everyone else can accept responsibility, but not her!!) But I am willing to do so. It would truly be disingenuous of me to apologize for anything more than I have already apologized for – so far. I hope that makes sense.
So I am asking for direct feedback. (and WOW... she sure didn't like it when she got it... just read installments ONE and TWO) That is assuming someone will take the time and energy to respond. If you choose to do so, I am much honored and will take your words with respect. (BULLSHIT!.. you're an attack narc who enjoys abusing then throwing yourself a pity party when you get called on it...) What do I hope to accomplish? Just “righting the wrong”. I would never seek to intrude where I would end up being a liability. I’m human; I want to be liked as much as the next person. I don’t think you SHOULD accept and trust me (i think everyone would agree with her on this point) I want to know what I did, in your words, which made that trust go away. So that I do not do that to other dear friends I have now and will find in the future.I truly appreciate your consideration, very much, and if you’ve read this far I thank you again..
WOW! that is quite the little suck up HOOVER job!!!.. Irene didn't buy it... and for damn good reason... she obviously did not mean a word of it!!!.
ABUSERS DO NOT CHANGE!!. after all that spew, she turned around and attacked me relentlessly in the
very same manner... up to and including this:
But I didn't say I wouldn't use her material!
Zendog's (me) latest . . . attempt?
Transference (and counter-transference) are quite common on the Net and the narcissist's defense mechanisms – notably projection and Projective Identification – are frequently aroused. The therapeutic process is set in motion by the – unbridled, uncensored, and brutally honest - reactions to the narcissist's repertory of antics, pretensions, delusions, and fantasies.The narcissist – ever the intimidating bully – is not accustomed to such resistance. Initially, it may heighten and sharpen his paranoia and lead him to compensate by extending and deepening his grandiosity. Some narcissists withdraw altogether, reverting to the schizoid posture. Others become openly antisocial and seek to subvert, sabotage, and destroy the online sources of their frustration. A few retreat and confine themselves to the company of adoring sycophants and unquestioning groupies.Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!!I rest my case, Your Honor.I wouldn't dream of really taking your mirror away, Mary. You would go blind.