"Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does. Innocence is a mighty shield, and the man or woman covered by it, is much more likely to answer calmly: 'My life is blameless. Look into it, if you like, for you will find nothing.'
-Whittaker Chambers

"Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does. Innocence is a mighty shield, and the man or woman covered by it, is much more likely to answer calmly: 'My life is blameless. Look into it, if you like, for you will find nothing.'
-Whittaker Chambers
my life is an open book... i don't hide who i am... where i am... or what i believe... that's BinkStink's number one stock in trade... her and all other Psychopaths.
the evidence is overwhelming... BinkStink is not just a garden variety toxic weed commonly known as a NARCISSIST... BinkStink is a more rare and even more TOXIC WEED... a PSYCHOPATH... with some very SCHIZOPHRENIC overtones...
BinkStink will not just GO AWAY... because she wants to completely dominate and control her current victim of choice... which in this case is me... she refuses to go away...
outing the NASTY BITCH only enraged her further... and now she has launched into another round of her attacks followed by lies... followed by taking the ever popular psychopath 'I'm the victim here' stance... any of us here who has known a Narc or a PSYCHOPATH knows this game well...
first the nasty little psychotic cockroach scurried out of the hole she has been hiding in since being OUTED.... and posted a schizophasic attack on me... sending me 'condolences' on someone she apparently in her Schizophrenic mind has come to believe is my father!.. some guy who died in prison in 2006... who was a member of the KKK...
she then launches into another SCHIZOPHRENIC/SCHIZOPHASIC spew about me SELLING 'heirlooms' from this person... her insanity and delusions have become quite obvious... to everyone except her...
she then launches into another SCHIZOPHRENIC/SCHIZOPHASIC spew about me SELLING 'heirlooms' from this person... her insanity and delusions have become quite obvious... to everyone except her...
she, in her Psychopathic rage, has somehow failed to notice the date of this article she dug up... and BinkStink says that this person is ABOUT TO BE buried in a pauper's grave if i don't claim his body...
Hey Mary!!!
February 3rd, 14:29
Check it out, I think I found yer Pa! http://www.picayuneitem.com/local/local_story_311142508.html
I realize it will be more emotionally difficult than ever to sell your . . . erm, heirlooms to the rich, kinky and bored collectors of such. . . memorabilia. Then again, it's possible you could exploit your relationship for a higher bid. Anyway, condolences :)
now.. .as with all Narcissists and Psychopaths... her attacks on me are JUSTIFIED... but if i defend myself, then of course i am the attacker, in her disordered mind...
like all Narcissists and PSYCHOPATHS... BinkStink is a pathological liar... and will tell any sort of lie, tweak time, space and the truth - to cover her own psychotic ass... Narcs and Psychopaths will often tell ridiculous transparent lies... like the ones below:
I DO read Mary's blog. I check it about every other day. From home. Our "net nanny" at work does not allow us to access Facebook or MySpace or Blogger. It's tremendously ANNOYING because I know my sunflowers are ready to be harvested and must hope they do not shrivel by the time I get home.
BinkStink's personal IP address..., through COMCAST CABLE was banned from this blog on January 19th, 2010... since that time she has been EXCLUSIVELY using the computers of PROVIDENCE MEDICAL CENTER... so if she is checking my blog from 'home'.... we can only hope that HOME is a locked mental ward at PROVIDENCE MEDICAL CENTER... and that she keeps making repeated escapes from her CAGE to run to a computer to read my blog... because the IP logger does not lie... even though BinkStink does nothing but... so here it is again... a log of her most RECENT USE of the computers belonging to PROVIDENCE MEDICAL CENTERS...
VISITOR ANALYSIS Referrer No referring link Host Name sdc-nat.providence.org IP Address Country United States Region Washington City Seattle
ISP Providence Health & Services
Visit Length Multiple visits spread over more than one day VISITOR SYSTEM SPECS Browser IE 6.0 Operating System WinXP Resolution Unknown Javascript Disabled Navigation Path Date
January 31st 2010 07:08:58 PM Page View No referring link trubblescatboxandotherabusive.blogspot.com/2009/11/when-shoe-is-on-other-foot-hypocristy.html
January 31st 2010
07:09:07 PM Page View No referring link
January 31st 2010 07:09:36 PM Page View
February 2nd 2010 09:06:12 PM Page View No referring link
February 2nd 2010 09:06:20 PM Page View
February 2nd 2010 09:38:05 PM Page View
February 5th 2010 12:39:45 AM Page View No referring link
February 5th 2010 12:39:47 AM Page View
February 5th 2010 12:40:00 AM Page View No referring link
February 5th 2010 12:40:10 AM Page View
February 5th 2010 09:31:31 PM Page View No referring link
February 5th 2010 09:31:39 PM Page View
No referring link
Binkstink is obsessed with several of the posts on my other blog blog... including the one she last viewed... NARCISSISTS ARE OBESSESED WITH THEIR IMAGE... yes, they certainly ARE... to the point of telling any lame lie they can come up with to attempt to cover up their abuse of others...
of course... while accusing me of whatever pops into her crazy head... BinkStink... like ALL Narcs and PSYCHOPATHS... knows no fear... she must believe her own lies... that she is not using the computers at her place of employment... when something can be PROVEN beyond a doubt... but when someone continues to refuse to acknowledge or believe what has been proven... then they are considered to be DELUSIONAL.... boy... that's a big surprise... BinkStink is delusional!!!!
“A favored technique is to debilitate your identity by levelling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, trustworthiness, your “true” motivations, your “real” character, your sanity and judgment. They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.” -The Mask of Sanity/ H. Cleckley
BinkStink is a Psychopath... a noxious, toxic little pile of psychopathic SHIT... who has been unmasked REPEATEDLY... she was unmasked by Dr. Irene Matiatos (who CERTAINLY should know one when she smells one) and banned from Trubbles Catbox (which she also continues to 'read' ie STALK... to the point of copying posts and answering them on her own blog... for lack of anywhere else to spew... as if anyone is truly interested in her opinion!)
banned along with her stalker whack job cohort GOONGODDESS... and she was unmasked again here... along with her stalker whack job cohort GOONGODDESS...
the mask if off BinkStink... you can spin it... you can lie... you can spew... but the fact is... YOUR MASK IS OFF... and you won't be able to fool those who now KNOW... no matter how hard you try....
banned along with her stalker whack job cohort GOONGODDESS... and she was unmasked again here... along with her stalker whack job cohort GOONGODDESS...
the mask if off BinkStink... you can spin it... you can lie... you can spew... but the fact is... YOUR MASK IS OFF... and you won't be able to fool those who now KNOW... no matter how hard you try....
you're a sick twisted piece of shit, BinkStink... YOU truly are a lonely spurned puddle of fermenting drivel... one that people who have seen you for what you really are will from now on either walk through then wipe their shoes... or step around with disgust and revulsion...
the mask is off... and what is underneath is HATEFUL... AND NASTY... AND LOATHSOME... AND UGLY... and we can all see it... CLEARLY