Ole' BinkStink just can't help herself... despite me telling her NUMEROUS times to stay off my blogs... that if she didn't I was going to call her employer for using work computers to come here... she can't stop herself... she's a Narc who thinks the rules don't apply to her... she can't get that I wouldn't give a shit about her if she wasn't bashing me, bashing my friends and bashing abused women she doesn't even know...
she had to get in more kicks at ALL ABOUT HIM where I am a member... she's attacked the owner of the board - who didn't even know about BinkStink but is now fully aware who and what BinkStink is... and no, BinkStink... no one told this person -- all she had to do was read your insipid blog...
BinkStink is so mercenary that she honestly thinks Barbara is getting paid to moderate ALL ABOUT HIM as a full-time job... once again showing how fucking clueless she is about 'gubbermint benefits'... Barbara is permanently and painfully disabled... she can't have a full time job because she can't work... what she gets per week to offset costs at ALL ABOUT HIM is less than the price of a bag of dogfood and that's it... she hasn't even asked for more because that's who she is... and she's not begging for money like you did on the Catbox... no one could support herself and her children on that kind of money... and she's barely making it on disability bitch... as you so arrogantly pointed out that she's 'bound to her abuser' monetarily in one of your last spews... knock knock... the abuser in question is the father of her children - so who's the "bound" one here??? altruism doesn't compute with a psychopath... BinkStink always knows the price of everything and the value of NOTHING!!!
If that is how Barbara feels about her post as moderator, that my criticism was an attempt to undermine the one thing that keeps her afloat in this world, I apologize sincerely.LOL!!! Frightened? More like disgusted... the members saw through her & called her a psychopath and a jealous narc... she knows nothing about how anyone feels or thinks... she only spews this shit to try to play martyr and make others look bad... she can't stand it when someone shines any light on her bullshit!!.. btw bitch - new studies show 1 in 4 people to be psychopathic... just read Dr. Hare or Dr. Babiak or POLITICAL PONEROLOGY... of course Bink doesn't want anyone to realize SHE'S one of the 'running amok'... she'd rather minimize psychopathic abuse along with her own!!!
BinkStink herself is bound... with her obsession to get her abusive Narc ass onto Our Place... she vacillates between love and hate for them... the board that won't have her... since losing her admin position and being banned from the Catbox she just can't move on... her hero Sam V. has at least 2 or more boards, people like Patricia Evans have boards... but no... sorry, pathetic BinkStink can't let it go... she stalks Our Place giving advice to members who don't even know who she is from her pitiful little blog... and needles her buddies who are on Our Place to PLEEEAAAASSSSEEE put in a 'good word' for her so she can get in... she can't even get herself a new identity and tone down the abusiveness long enough to sneak back in.... noooooo.... her Narcissistic injury won't allow it... BinkStink must conquer... BinkStink must reign supreme... she can't imagine that anyone like myself would be readily accepted on another board with a beloved moderator who was also banned from Our Place, too (for telling the TRUTH, mind you...)... and yet BinkStink's banned everywhere she goes... BEFORE she even attempts to sign up!!!!
tell us BinkStink... what happened to all the money from the "paid for cash" little bungalow you and ATM had up in them thar' hills??? how come you were whining to all your Catbox sisters about being broke and possibly butchering your pets then???

of course BinkStink develops typical Narc amnesia about the money she conned from members back when she was on the Catbox... in her mind somehow she's justified that by attacking this moderator... twisted psychopath thinking...
and she just 'can't get' how taking their money and running away in her WHHAAAMMMMBUUUULANCE and then turning-around and making fun of those same victims behind their backs with her asshole-buddy GoonGoddess was wrong... she 'just can't see it'.... so she still tries to ass-kiss the Our Place gang by saying she learned healing 'AT THEIR KNEES' while backstabbing them for permanently banning her pathological ass from there too... whatever tack a Narc thinks will work - they'll do... they just keep hoping no one sees they change direction every minute to get the maximum benefit from their spews...
no... BinkStink can't understand how any one could be altruistic enough to work a full-time job... yet write a book that made next to no money... and pay out professional webmasters to design and maintain a forum just for victims of Narcissists because this person knows what being a victim is... that's what kind of good-hearted person Lisa E. Scott is... but BinkStink can't possibly wrap her puny Narc brain about caring about the welfare of other victims... BinkStink even tries to parse what she thinks is Lisa's mission statement by saying Barbara is in violation of it... jealousy is an ugly thing BinkStink... and you're a nasty, transparent, irrevelant piece of chicken dung...
Bink also can't wrap her head around a disabled woman with kids who... because of her commitment to getting information out to other victims... moderates a board and runs a successful FREE blog that's gotten close to 1 MILLION HITS since it's inception... only because she wants to help others who have gone through what she went through her whole life... for FREE... no BinkStink has to give some phony apology about being so 'sorry' for trying to get Barbara fired from what she WRONGLY ASSUMED was Barbara's job at ALL ABOUT HIM... simply because this petty bitch can't deal with the fact that I narc'd her out to Providence Medical Center... Narcs can't understand doing something because you care and for free... so she apologizes yet leaves all the other hateful spew up...
...she can't get her head around that fact that neither Barbara or I really have anything to loose... oh yeah, almost forgot.... BinkStink - the long-distance-diagnostician - says Barbara's children (that she's never met and doesn't even know) have lots of 'emotional problems'... that's really depraved BinkStink... at least stick to the 5th grade bully tactics without attacking someone's children... or pets, in my case... but that's the Psychopath for you... anything and anyone is fair game... no remorse, no conscience...
...she goes so far as to ASSUME that we are shoving our 'no hope' understanding of our PERSONAL SITUATIONS down the throats of other victims... she can't understand that there are people out there that don't PROJECT their own sick hopey-codependent-you're a volunteer-you made the choice to be with an abuser brand of victim blaming and shaming on everyone... to the point that this Psychopath BinkStink thinks nothing of pushing a self-harmer over the edge to possibly self-harm permanently by implying the poor girl is just "looking for attention"...
poor BinkStink wants to 'gargle with Percocet' because someone speaks truth about their reality... do you dole out that looking for attention crap to your cancer patients at Providence, BinkStink??? (and for goodness sake stop teasing us and just do it)...
every time she sits down to blog... BinkStink reveals more of the nature of the Female Psychopath... the predator so in love with her own 'voice' she doesn't care who she hurts... or how many 'facts' she gets wrong... as long as BinkStink gets attention!!!! the Psycho-Drug of choice: ATTENTION!!!
BinkStink... you're gonna get loads and loads of attention until you shut up and sit down and stop abusing the abused... I hear that Cho from Virginia Tech and the psychos from Columbine had wacked out online journals just like you bitch!!!!
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