geez... this nasty creepy bitch just can't give it up!!. didn't she just say something recently... that pertains to her behavior here?... oh yeah... her own words from her MEAN PEOPLE SUCK post...
I don't want to sound like I merely point fingers and take other people's inventories. I am in many ways a person to not be proud of. I have embarrassing shortcomings too. I am just not a mean person. I would not relish the thought someone is hurting and scared because of something I did. No matter WHAT they did to me, much less lose their job, reputation amongst their community, because I was vengeful.
I see a moral difference between challenging a person's words or behavior, and telling lies so they might lose their job, rather an obvious point to most folks.Reputations, jobs and positions are dear and most adults have them. They are earned over time, by hard work and trustworthy behavior. They are built over years, very carefully. They're worth the effort.
i mean.. come on... it's obvious this woman is INSANE... let's just lay it on the line... this bitch needs to be a patient in a mental hospital... instead of working as a nurse!!!
this whack job has been attacking me and stalking me for a long time... and now... now that the only thing she's gotten for her trouble is made fun of BY HER and REPORTED to her employer... she's gone completely stark raving!!!
now this sicko is attacking my friends and fellow forum members... and reviewing a forum that she is not part of... a forum that doesn't WANT her... wouldn't HAVE her!!. she was thrown off the Catbox for stalking and slandering members... she is not allowed on Our Place because she conned a bunch of money off those women, and stabbed them in the back... and they hate her guts...she knows this... and i know this....
this whack job has been attacking me and stalking me for a long time... and now... now that the only thing she's gotten for her trouble is made fun of BY HER and REPORTED to her employer... she's gone completely stark raving!!!
now this sicko is attacking my friends and fellow forum members... and reviewing a forum that she is not part of... a forum that doesn't WANT her... wouldn't HAVE her!!. she was thrown off the Catbox for stalking and slandering members... she is not allowed on Our Place because she conned a bunch of money off those women, and stabbed them in the back... and they hate her guts...she knows this... and i know this....
she's already had to remove posts from her crappy little journal for copyright infringement... .but she's a defiant, nasty little NARC...and she never learns her lesson..
now she has sunk so nasty and low that she is attacking someone else she doesn't even know... Barbara... the moderator from All About Him... last night someone posted this to her... 'You need to get a life. And some psychiatric help'... AMEN!!. AMEN!!. but of course she removed it... because it hit a little too close to home.. and now... now the crazy bitch is at it again... with this spew...
HOLD ON HERE..TIME OUT!!.. we're gonna clear THIS up right now!!.. like a classic schoolyard bully ALL she does is launch personal insults and name call... for example...Allabouthim.com, further thoughts
March 14th, 13:26
I did get two comments last night (on the review of allabouthim.com), from the same user by the name of "abusesucks", which were (as always) sent to my email account as well as the LJ post. The appeared in their entirely in the email, but were deleted from the comment section of the post and the account "abusesucks" had been suspended sometime after the comments were sent. Could my complaint to LJ have been answered? The THIRTEEN user accounts Mary set up to continue her harassment must have made an impression on them. Except, "abusesucks" was NOT Mary, at least I don't think so, wrong style. And I don't think it was Lisa Scott. :P
Listen: I enjoy a good debate. I am ashamed to admit I listen to a lot of talk radio. I have a long commute, OK? And I enjoy the deft use of logic and evidential data in defense (or opposition) of ideas. I have never once resorted to name calling or personal insults during debates on my journal.
you don't WANT a hand up, you want a hand out. And who wants to give a hand out to such a vicious, insulting bitch as yourself? NO ONE.
this bitch is INSANE... I NEVER asked for a handout... she's spewing this crap, when all anyone has to do is look at her own posts!!....any of these will do...
this crazed PSYCHOTIC NARC is trying to rewrite history as she's writing it!!. TURBONARC! i love how she calls her insane rabid attacks DEBATES... .i believe Ted Bundy called his victims, DATES...
I worked Mary over as hard as I've done because I lowered myself, was brought low too, by the endless taunting, name calling and personal attacks. They got to me after a while. I asked her if she had a flea problem or if her pets were starving, considering the sheer number of them and the two hundred dollars per month she claims to have as her only income (she's admitted she sells "collectibles" and "antiques", as well as having no income). It was an honest question. Food stamps do not buy dog food, flea protection, oral hygiene or veterinary care, and per her own words, she has never asked a soul to help her provide for them. I was both ANGRY that she had so many animals she ostensibly could not care for AND convinced if she DID have all those critters, she DID have the money to care for them and why not admit it?Regarding my review of Allabouthim.com , I read the articles and the book reviews Lisa E. Scott (a pseudonym for her protenction) has written. Another woman escaped from abuse, telling her story, and giving back.Encouraging a return to health, yes? If her forum is not her concern, that is one thing. Dr Irene allowed Trubble's Catbox to go on for years without direct intervention in the way it was run by her old admin team. The situations could be vastly different, in that from my direct experience of Trubble's Catbox as an admin, Dr Irene's reason for "taking over" was because the old admin team let things get out of hand. This was her excuse for what happened to HER, but does not reflect the reality of what did happen. A bunch of relatively progressed abuse survivors (I was not included at the time, unfortunately) called her on her mindfucking tactics, to cover up her own mistake. This she interpreted as "out of control" bitchery, and thus the Catbox Implosion and Exodus to Our Place.Perhaps Lisa Scott has become busy with her life post abuse, promoting her books, and left the forum unsupervised? Maybe the forum is the least important of her priorities at this time, which makes sense considering. It was Dr Irene's least priority for years, until she discovered abuse survivors are not cowed by her Ph.D. or vulnerable and mindfuckable. And that a few took it upon themselves to sully her good name.Anyway . . . for future reference: If you don't agree with what I am saying, PLEASE use adult language, without resorting to "pee pee poo poo" personal insults. USE YOUR WORDS, as I used to tell my daughter when she was three or so. SHOW ME how I am wrong. I might be profoundly wrong. I'd prefer to know that than go along thinking I'm right and find out I'm not. This isn't about ME, it's about ideas and whether or not another abuse forum is following the board owner's mission statement. In my estimation, Allabouthim.com's forum moderator is not. This isn't about a person's WORTH and VALUE as a human being, so lets not resort to insulting my worth and value. It doesn't effect ME, it says everything about the person calling names.
And if that person, "abusesucks" is who I think it is . . . that is a shame. A terrible shame.

this nut case is not a member on All About Him... so why her interest?... why doesn't this wingnut start writing reviews about something she probably KNOWS about... like SERENITY PADS... or how to get a good fit in a straightjacket????
Bink, you sick piece of shit... you're no better than a 5th grade bully... i'm not gonna beat around the bush... not going to mince words here... All About Him, BinkStink, is all about getting away from wingnuts like YOU... YOU'RE not welcome there... the members there made it very clear what they think of you...
go over and suck Vaknin's psychopath ass... or his front....or whatever he'll let you suck... or go 'gargle a bottle of Percocet'.. or TWO bottles, if you can steal that many from the hospital... the women and men of Vain Encounters KNOW about NARCS... so your shit ain't gonna play there... in fact, quite the opposite...
go over and suck Vaknin's psychopath ass... or his front....or whatever he'll let you suck... or go 'gargle a bottle of Percocet'.. or TWO bottles, if you can steal that many from the hospital... the women and men of Vain Encounters KNOW about NARCS... so your shit ain't gonna play there... in fact, quite the opposite...
anyone reading this... who is as sick of this twisted piece of skank as i am should contact her EMPLOYER... PROVIDENCE MEDICAL CENTER in OLYMPIA WASHINGTON... . 360-491-9480... ask to speak to an ADMINISTRATOR.. tell them you want to make a complaint about a nurse there... her name is Kim... she is an oncology RN... they will know who you are talking about ...
or.. you can ask to speak to Mary Mertens, Manager Employee/Labor Relations... or you can contact Cynthia Binkerd at Cynthia.Binkerd@providence.org tell them you're sick of her insane spews... her attacks on victims of domestic violence... her stalking forums she is not a member of, or welcome at, and that you believe she is doing it on THEIR TIME CLOCK...
be sure and mention her creepy journal.. and if you email Cynthia Binkerd... be sure and send her a link to posts you find OFFENSIVE or DISTURBING on her journal... MAYBE if she has to get a job at Jack in the Box...the crazy bitch won't have time to STALK...
Anyone remember the Pittsburgh Gym Shooter?... another one who kept a really insane online journal - that no one reported... and if we don't start reporting wacknuts like ole' Bink... who knows what could happen!!!
or.. you can ask to speak to Mary Mertens, Manager Employee/Labor Relations... or you can contact Cynthia Binkerd at Cynthia.Binkerd@providence.org tell them you're sick of her insane spews... her attacks on victims of domestic violence... her stalking forums she is not a member of, or welcome at, and that you believe she is doing it on THEIR TIME CLOCK...
be sure and mention her creepy journal.. and if you email Cynthia Binkerd... be sure and send her a link to posts you find OFFENSIVE or DISTURBING on her journal... MAYBE if she has to get a job at Jack in the Box...the crazy bitch won't have time to STALK...
Anyone remember the Pittsburgh Gym Shooter?... another one who kept a really insane online journal - that no one reported... and if we don't start reporting wacknuts like ole' Bink... who knows what could happen!!!
As we all know... mud sticks best to a clean spot... so since BinkStink the abusive Narc, couldn't make headway with me... she now turns to my friend - Barbara, moderator at ALL ABOUT HIM... in a pathetic attempt to hurt me and get attention for herself... here's her latest spew full of mistatements, ASSUMPTIONS and Narc sarcasm... (my invective in purple)
:All About Him: A Reviewbink_think
March 12th, 21:00
(probably posted from PROVIDENCE MEDICAL CENTER, from the looks of the TIME...we'll soon know...and we will report what we find out)From the welcome page for Lisa E. Scott's website allabouthim.com .You cannot change a narcissist, but you can take steps to make changes in your life that will make you happier. I believe that is our goal... to accept what we cannot change and change what we can. We have the ability to grow and evolve, which is a beautiful thing. We are responsible for the choices we make in life and we can choose to be happy or we can choose to remain a victim. I choose to be happy and I hope you will join me in my journey.There is a forum on Scott's website for victims of narcissists to share their stories and receive hope and support. It has a modest (she wishes!!! modest... typical Narc rewriting facts) membership as yet, being only about a year old.
There are tens or maybe hundreds of public and private forums for victims of domestic violence or partners with personality disorders (which amount to about the same thing). I've searched high and low on the net over the last three years, and after joining many of them, ended up spending most of my time on Trubble's Catbox. It was a community that was going strong seven years after it's inception. The membership, almost to the person, is now at Our Place as of a year and a half ago, and in my estimation, has a number of true veterans of domestic violence and the years of healing afterward. Many of the true veterans are on the admin team, some of whom have held the position for the last ten years. Many more are just members, still active years past the grueling end of their abusive relationships. There is real clarity and healing going on over there. There is leading by example. And this is what I see NOT happening on Lisa Scott's forum. Well, at least if you want to lead by HEALTHY example. (and we all know what she 'sees' is DELUSIONS!!! and are we taking this depraved person's definition of HEALTHY now??? LOL!!!)I'm not clear as to how involved Scott is with her forum. She has a single moderator, "Barbara", who participates regularly and posts a wealth of articles and resources to specific issues that the membership brings up. I recognized "Barbara" almost immediately. I knew her as Shattered4Good on Trubble's Catbox. She was a dedicated link poster then, too. She sometimes linked four or five articles per day.
I was not privy to exactly what happened to cause Shattered4Good to be banned from the Catbox. It had something to do with her linking. The Catbox admins created a dedicated forum for articles and links and helpful books, and asked Shattered4Good to post her material there. Soon thereafter, she was banned. It happened when I left Idaho, I didn't have a computer and lost contact for a few days. "Barbara" was also a member of The Next Right Choice, a spin-off forum of Trubble's Catbox, in the immediate aftermath of the Catbox Implosion of 2008. She was one of many who re-emerged to cast their opinions while the Catbox fell apart, and the membership made their exodus to Our Place. She was eventually banned from TNRC as well, though again I was not privvy to exactly why.What I do know of "Barbara" is that she lives with her two children and her (ex?) husband in a separated dwelling, and is dependent upon him for her living expenses. She is disabled by a number of chronic health conditions and is unable to work. This leaves her in a kind of bondage to her abuser, which she recounts many tales of. Her children suffer various emotional problems as well. (They do??.. this is really SICK and LOW!!! even for BinkStink... diagnosing someone's children that you don't even know!!!!) All of this information has been shared by "Barbara" on all forums she's been a member of, so this is definitely not insider information, but public knowledge. (on ALL forums??? or is BinkStink rewriting and skewing history like all Narcs!!!)What concerns me is that between "Barbara's" written feedback to the membership of Allabouthim.com and Lisa Scott's mission is a loud discrepancy. It appears so great, to me, that I wonder if Lisa Scott reads the forum content at all. Or if she does, she doesn't know quite what to do with "Barbara".
The Catbox Implosion occurred when Dr Irene Matiatos, after several years of allowing her admins to run the show, decided she didn't like the direction the ship was going, and took the wheel. It turns out Dr Irene and her admin team had very different ideas about what was "good" for abuse survivors. The difference could be much better described by the ex-Catbox admins (now at Our Place, along with the entire ex-Catbox community), but to a member with a short stint as an admin working directly with Irene, the difference was more about the aftermath of a stupid mistake on Irene's part and her doomed attempts to save face afterward, than anything philosophical. Between the sole moderator "Barbara" and the mission of Allabouthim.com, the difference appears indeed to be philosophical, in the extreme.
Here is her reply to an AAH member who is expressing despair and hopelessness in the aftermath of a relationship with an abuser:Fri, 03/12/2010 - 21:32 — Barbara I have to back up my buddy narcnarc here. While I can appreciate you all trying to bolster her... people like her and I are WAAAAY beyond 'hope' and 'getting out' and having 'fun.' Fun to me is a good night's sleep on pain killers, when I am able to take them... some party, huh?
narcnarc, for instance, has complex PTSD. She and her pets would be homeless if someone didn't donate a house to her. A house WITHOUT heat... but it's something. She has NO INCOME other than food stamps. Food pantries won't deal with her because she 'can't show proof of income' (I know, WTF! huh?) She probably has fibromyalgia but the hospital won't see her (no medicaid) and no doctor will see her for free.Like her I have complex PTSD. I am severely disabled so a shelter would never take me. Besides I would never leave my kids. I am morbidly obese from drugs & surgeries though people treat me like I am "just fat." If exNH didn't pay my rent, utilities and insurance I'd be in narcnarc's position.
We don't want to go out. We look like hell, feel like hell and we are tired of people telling us to "have hope." We have accepted what IS. That's one of the reasons I am working on getting a coaching certification. The positive affirmation/ self-talk thing gets pretty tired when you've dealt with a serious psychopath (or 3 in my case)
I don't date and I never will again. I get it narcnarc - why afflict someone as PTSD destroyed as us? We don't like it and we are smart enough to know others won't either. The old "her" is gone for me. I'd be ridiculous to even imagine I could get "her" back - she died a long time ago - a horrible agonizing death.the only person who know who I USED TO BE left - was Psycho-Boy!! and look what happened!she's done... all I can do is make sure no one else goes thru the same things I have.
Good grief, now *I* feel like gargling a bottle of Percocet and going to bed forever.(Stop punking us bitch, and DO IT!)
This woman is a MODERATOR? A "leader", a wise woman, for a group of people hoping for a decent life after years with an abusive narcissist? What is she trying to tell them? That she herself is hopeless and so is her "buddy" and DON'T YOU DARE SUGGEST OTHERWISE. No words of support, or any empathy for that matter, for the members who've begun to open up and risk sharing their shame and pain. God forbid they HOPE for a better life, this "destroyed" woman will set them straight! (where the FUCK did anyone but you BinkStink apply this logic to ALL the members... NO ONE... once again, you are assuming things that never happened!!! only in your delusional little Narc brain...)
You know, whatever. "Barbara" has the perfect right to be the way she is.
But is she "moderator material" for a group of very vulnerable individuals recovering from abuse and violence?As damaged and hurt as we are by our abusive scenarios, we are not made STUPID by them. And that is why most of them, anyway, will steer clear of this forum. (omg... now she's implying this moderator is damaging the forums members because she admits SHE HERSELF IS DAMAGED... do the math and apply her own logic: ...can you IMAGINE how this NURSE then treats her own patients???)
Lisa Scott! Pay attention to what's going on on YOUR website. Pay attention to your good name and reputation, which is good enough with your written work and public appearances. Take another look at this forum and ask yourself if "Barbara" is your idea of a guide for people you hope to give a leg up to?
This is a clear sign of BinkStink's desperation, taking things out of context and delusions... what kind of person abuses your friends when they you expose them for who & what they really are??? a PSYCHOPATH... also a clear sign of her need to be 'relevant'... before she removes it or sends her abuser proxies over... like she did with a bunch of her other smear & slander - you can read and respond here:
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