ah... now BinkStink is accusing me of stalking her... again, this is what a psychopath does... i have proof of her stalking my BLOG and have posted it ... and have asked her to go away... and of course she has persisted.. i blocked her home IP some time ago... then she started stalking my blog from Providence Medical Center... and now i guess she's gone to the trouble of getting a proxy server.. because she is STILL reading my blog... and admits to it...
THIS BITCH WILL STALK ME ANYWHERE I GO NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRY TO IGNORE HER!! even to Lisa E. Scott where she proceeded to lie & slander my friend, Barbara - same way she lies about everyone including her EX NEVER WAS HER HUSBAND (as she 'claims') - Tim... hence, this blog
this is from her blog... dated march 9th...
Somebody STOP me from reading her blog!! Is this the same thing as checking your ex-abusive-boyfriend's Facebook friend list? Then there's always 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'
this is interesting in many ways... firstly... she sees no problem with continuing to read my blog... by any means available... and yet... if i happen to read some old posts of hers from the Catbox... some that she probably hoped no one would ever see again... then - according to her twisted logic - i am stalking her!!!
I've never had anyone do RESEARCH on me :) No wait :( Who is stalking whom? I realize she won't feel a "normal" sense of shame for showing herself as a stalker.
as with all Narcs/Psychopaths... BinkStink MUST have the last word... so she throws up nasty crap about me on her blog... then blocks me from responding... so i did contact her (in order to defend myself from her spew) ... here's the horrible, stalking thing i had to say to her...
seriously.... the person who wrote these things... sounds NOTHING like the hateful, obnoxious stuff you've been posting lately!
the things i am talking about are things she said in posts on the Catbox... when she first arrived there... as they are shockingly different from the things she has spewed at me and others lately...
now of course, she can read my blog for sometimes HOURS on end... and that - according to her continued twisted logic - somehow is not 'research'... but if i read posts that she made on a public forum... then all of sudden i'm 'researching' and 'stalking' her! lol!.. she is probably saying these things in reaction to what the posts contain... which seem to be from a completely different person than the one who attacked me repeatedly... and who now is attacking people she doesn't even know on Our Place...
i decided to read some of BinkStink's old posts... and it was SHOCKING... the difference between the things she said then... and the things she says now...
perhaps BinkStink should take the advice she gleefully dispensed to another Catboxer...
http://www.drirene.com/catbox/index.php?showtopic=79164&st=20 ~
Posted 18 August 2009 - 12:35 PM
Until you realize that your sense of self worth is INSIDE of you, not out there in someone else's possession, you will be miserable and reading his stuff about you till Kingdom Come. You are the only one in control here. No one can knock sense into your head. If you are cooking rabbits, then YOU are doing it, no one else is pulling any puppet strings. That's the first thing you need to understand, and stop blaming other people for YOUR behavior.
Spend this time working on yourself in therapy, that's where your solution lies. You have a big problem with personal responsibility, accepting the consequences of your OWN behavior, and are causing yourself terrible grief by your own hand. No one here can control your fingers that do the typing :lol:
I got the impression you attribute YOUR behavior to other people causing it. "Blame" is attributing "cause". His spewing on about you on another board doesn't "cause" you to do anything. You are always choosing to do what you do, maybe not consciously. When a person is choosing to torture themselves, it's hard to know what to say :lol: but STOP READING HIS NONSENSE!!! Stop hurting yourself. Why would you want to deliberately hurt yourself?
That's why I mentioned working on YOU in therapy. Discuss with your therapist that you have this tendency to torture yourself, and what could that be about?
now BinkStink is saying i'm stalking her... let me quote some of her own spew towards me... You'd make your blog private or invitation only if you were so APPALLED at being READ (your version of stalked)
why don't you make the shit you smear on other people PRIVATE, BinkStink?... oh yeah... because it's no fun to ABUSE people if no one can see it!!!...
it's not surprising the cowardly blame shifting finger pointing stance BinkStink is taking... typical Narc... it's somehow MY fault she reads MY blog after I tried repeated to block her??? but alas... it's hard to rewrite history that is in writing... especially when a Narc is so fond of their abusiveness they don't bother to erase it...
the first shot fired was the hateful attack BinkStink launched on me... when she was bowing and scraping and backpedaling and trying to butt kiss her way back onto the Catbox... where she'd been banned for stalking and slandering other members... i couldn't have cared less... but all that changed when she started attacking me...
I wonder if it is the sudden appearance of anti-Catbox blogspots that people the front page of the Google search engine (I haven't tried any others)? Holy crap, there's a new one by an individual we are ALL familiar with who calls herself Confederaterebel (AKA Eggshellshocked, Outandabout, NeedsHRTBadly, Avoiding_Prozac, Gnashes With Teeth, whatEVER). My own journal modestly dusts the bottom of the page, but then above there is Hope's thread on Rick Ross, comparing Dr Irene's methodology with a cult known as Landmark, and of course NeBody's blog that has held a strong second place since the Meltdown itself.
Maybe THOSE little oil spills of information are causing potential new members to look askance.. I've read the entirety of Confederaterebel's blog (which I will, for the sake of the intelligence of my readers, NOT link to). This is an unfortunate woman who began her career on the Catbox with a truly sad story . . . living out her last days in a foreclosing house with beloved dogs and no home for herself and them in sight. Everyone is different, and as she lifted her head and blinked into the day, she saw rage instead of the Groundhog of Healing. There are plenty of other venues for frothing, foaming, vicious vengance vigilantes,(yeah....like BinkStink's blog) but no, she plants herself in the Catbox and within a few weeks, out she goes. She comes back a few times under various guises to spew vitriol and bask in all the negative attention and frighteningly, some positive (frightening to BinkStink i guess)
She is the first poster I ever put on ignore. I could NOT deal with the ...and all the... between all her .... not to mention all the "fresh fish" metaphors, gawd!!!
With all her outright disgust with Trubble's Catbox and Our Place , it causes me to wonder why she kept coming back.
She could not let go and now fills pages of the internet with some . . . I have to admit, very clever invective. Yeah, it's insipid and transparent . . . she loves her flying monkeys and counts her hits and flybys. The trouble is, her rhetoric is so NONcontagious that she is inadvertently giving a metric ton of publicity to Our Place, The Next Right Choice and Trubble's Catbox. (I hope so!!! I want people to see how abusive those places are to real abuse victims who need real help!!!)
pretty nasty, BinkStink... pretty nasty... so i come on and tell her if she doesn't like it to kiss my ass and go away... and the next thing you know that horse faced bitch Goongoddess (BinkStink's spew-sister and proxy) is crawling my ass like cheap underwear with her 'quite the heap of venomous hatred' BS ...
i believe it all goes back to the one line where she revealed herself... 'my own journal modestly dusts the bottom of the page'... the nasty Narc BinkStink was full of rage and envy over this blog... waaaaay back when... and she still can't get over it... Narc jealousy and rage that something else actually gets more attention than her blog... where she writes vicious hateful 'advice' to victims on sites she herself is banned from... things not read or paid attention to... and here we are...
all Psychopaths and Narcs are big on rewriting and tweaking history... that's probably why so few of them put history in writing in the first place... but BinkStink did put history in writing... which makes it just a little bit harder to rewrite...
the agenda of Irene and the Catbox is personal responsibility... they want to force people to take personal responsibility... even for things that aren't their personal responsibility to take.... like the behavior of their Narc and Psychopath abusers... they want victims to take the BLAME for being victimized...i have a problem with that... a HUGE problem... but BinkStink does not... at least not until personal responsibility applies to HER...
so before we start off down the twisting dark road into the 'bad neighborhood' that is BinkStink's mind... let me again quote her..
You are the only one in control here. No one can knock sense into your head. If you are cooking rabbits, then YOU are doing it, no one else is pulling any puppet strings. That's the first thing you need to understand, and stop blaming other people for YOUR behavior.Spend this time working on yourself in therapy, that's where your solution lies. You have a big problem with personal responsibility, accepting the consequences of your OWN behavior, and are causing yourself terrible grief by your own hand.
and into the darkness we go...
first stop... BinkStink's first post on the Catbox...
Posted 28 August 2007 - 03:28 AM
Hi everyone, this is my first post. I keep wanting to change my thread title, it sounds sarcastic, but I think I am just still stunned, and angry with myself.
I only recently realized that I've been living with a wretched abusive man for seven years. I just thought he had anger issues, was kind of insensitive, had bad mood swings, and of course drug addiction. I finally managed to kick him out in June, after he was tazed by the police and taken into custody. The sheriff came out to inform me, and I saw my opportunity. I surprised the heck out of him and told him I want a protection order and I'll tell them EVERYTHING. I thought this was all about his drug problems, but he was abusive and scary when he was stone sober too. He's been gone only a little over two months, and I attend Alanon, which has been an absolute lifesaver. There was still a lot of stuff that didn't make sense and I have felt so ashamed of all this, and the shame has just persisted even though he's no longer here.
I feel like I have let myself down in the worst way.
I saw plenty of red flags along the way, and ignored them (like we all do I suppose). I was in a rough spot in my life when I met "Doofus" (that really describes him). I was a single mom with two bratty teenagers, now lovely adults. I worked full time as an RN, which is where I met the Doof, at work. My best friend had just passed away from breast cancer, we spoke daily since we were in junior college, raised our kids together, went through boyfriends together. I was probably insane from grief and just feeling so alone when I met Doofus. He was very religious, and told me he just wanted to sit on the beach and hold hands, he was dating another nurse who just wanted sex, his wife left him and took his son back to Japan because "she was so depressed and scared of everything". Poor guy!! Well I had to have him. He said he wanted to be a Daddy again. He wanted a garden and pets and a wife and children. He was still married to his wife in Japan, but she refused to come back. He said she was such a beautiful, perfect woman (yes he used those words), so "clean" in her person and housekeeping, and the perfect mother to their little boy, too. He mused about getting together with her, or going to Japan to be with her. I bought every single bit of it.
Yeah, she exists, and she left him because a SWAT team descended and tossed her house for drug making paraphernalia, scaring her and the baby to death. This I heard from his mother a year into the relationship. His drug history was "long ago", and his favorite was methamphetamine, he even cooked it. I still had to have him! What is that about?? He didn't tell me he had genital herpes. Not until after I caught it and wondered what in the he11 was going on down there . . . and my response? Well he'd been acting very angry, would lock me out of the bedroom, refuse to have sex with me because I wasn't doing it right, yada yada. When I lose it and begin to sob and demand that he leave (he'd moved in about two weeks before, and we'd already been through some serious fights), he went crazy apologizing, he was having an "outbreak" and it always made him feel sick and grumpy.
I was relieved! It was only herpes! And of course that is what was going on "down there" with me . . . but I was so relieved he was "back and loving" again that I just couldn't tell him that I had it too, I couldn't break his heart.
I just want to VOMIT writing this. But this is the truth. Two years ago, after much insisting, Doofus got his wish, and I sold my house in California so we could go "live in the country". We chose Idaho after a long road trip. It didn't take long for his real motives to come through. How many of us have been told the story that their Doofus would feel so much happier, wouldn't be so stressed and angry and nasty, if they could get out of the city? Moving to the country just gave him more imagined freedom to relapse on meth, accumulate a whole lot of guns and not so nice people in great abundance. Within a year of moving up here, I persisted and began getting livestock. Ironically, the move was his idea but I REALLY got into it . . . egg laying chickens, geese, turkeys, guineas and goats for milk. I loved it!! Thank God for my critters as they kept me sane, and don't forget, I had a garden and learned to can my own food. I've had a great time with that stuff, but in the background . . . I felt like I willingly walked into the biggest trap of my life. I wasn't about to leave the farm. Doofus wasn't about to leave the farm either. He continued to binge, disappearing two weeks of each month, and hosting booze/weed/pill parties in between. Of course I protested. He thought I was "cute" when I got angry. I threw a teflon pan at him and gashed his leg, I don't think "cute" fits too well. I was just as crazy as he was by the time the inevitable happened.
He'd always made "jokes" about me in public. If I pointed out his behavior, he seemed pleased that I noticed. If he was angry and irritable, he threatened to shut me up for good. When I threatened to call the sheriff, he was high and very agitated, he picked up a claw hammer and thrust it in my face and threatened to bash my skull in. I never confronted him again. I just planned how to get rid of him. But, I felt such shame. Not that I "deserved" his abuse . . . I never felt like I deserved it, long before I got over that. It was that I STAYED, that I overlooked so much, that I glazed over and spaced out instead of leaving long, long before. I'd let him have his way just to shut him up. I used to have a script for Xanax because I hate flying and had to for a while in one job. I refilled it, lying to my doctor, so I could give HIM the stupid pills, a few Xanax in him and he'd leave me the he11 alone, you know? I didn't take them but I didn't need to, somehow I can shut it all out and not deal with it all on my own. And that's what I did.
In June he tried to elude police and was tazed and that's when I told the sheriffs everything. They couldn't believe I hadn't "done" something long ago. They were nice about it, very helpful actually. I didn't know what to tell them. I didn't think they could do anything. If I called them, and they walked away for lack of evidence, he might have killed me.(isn't it amazing how little empathy BinkStink has for me... .even in light of this?...) I couldn't have articulated this at the time to them.
I am here on this board because I just don't get it! What happened to me?? I put up with this for seven years. I abandoned my kids. I let Doofus run the show, and he has ruined me financially. Oh he had my complicity.
I know this sounds dramatic but I am SO ANGRY with myself. I'm plenty angry with the Doof and will take out his leg if he sets foot on this property, he taught me how to shoot. I have no trouble being angry with him. But it's the anger at myself that is really hurting me.
In Alanon, I get the support for the drug addict end of it, and addiction and abuse often coincide, but are different issues. I'm just beginning to "get" that. Many of my close friends there have lovely spouses who just have an addiction. I had to admit the Doofus was never a lovely person, except when we first met. And then, I had to wonder what on God's green earth I was trying to do all these years, how willing I was to live a miserable life and put up with such carp.BTW, he's living at the edge of town in a junky trailer park. Rumor has it he's still waiting for me to "make up my mind". I believe I've already done that. I have a yearlong R.O., have retained a lawyer (can't afford him to take it to trial though), and every time he's violated the RO I've called 911 and they cart him off. This is a very small town, and we are "new"here, his "friends" steer clear of him because the sheriffs watch every move he makes, his "good" friends steer clear too. Why he hasn't gone to hide in the mountains in shame is amazing, but I know it's because he doesn't think he's done anything wrong.
I hope to find the answers here and in my readings on abuse. If you've made it this far, I thank you so much. Even more stuff is sailing home just writing this Bink
wow... she sounds NORMAL.. almost... there are a lot of similarities between BinkStink's story and my own... you would think that would cause her to have some understanding and empathy for me... instead of contempt and hatred...
what is the major difference between me and BinkStink?... SHAME... BinkStink is full of shame... self hatred... self loathing... and i am not... i have never ever accepted any of the blame or responsibility for the psychopath who abused me... is BinkSink envious of that?... it would appear so... early on she gave this creepy clue to how bad the neighborhood is inside her head...
Life beyond abuse, for me, is acknowledging how similar I am to my abuser, these days. How easy it is for me to be abusive, careless, refuse to take responsibility, refuse to acknowledge there is a greater reality than I want there to be.
sorry... i've had an abusive psychopath projecting his garbage onto me for years... and i'm full up... but BinkStink has decided to turn her 'Hippodrome projector' onto me... .to this day...
now let's turn on our xenon flashlights and go deeper into the bad neighborhood that is BinkStink's mind...
in my 'our feature presentation' posts... i unmasked BinkStink for the Narc she is... and included some of literally hundreds of hateful abusive posts she made to me...
so before we venture further into the mean streets of BinkStink's psyche... let me recap a few she made regarding my pets... and money... you will soon see how BinkStink has in the comments below, attempted to turn ME into HER... all these things below... are things BinkStink said and did... as you'll soon see...
Your damage is not special or unique, and neither are you. That's the hope and the promise. But in your mind, it is the reason to give up and turn your hurt onto other people for not REALLY helping you, which I am coming to conclude would only be to send money.If that's what you want -- real, practical HELP -- then you'd better tone down your invective or no one will WANT to help such a vindictive, ungrateful, snarling pathetic thing
you don't WANT a hand up, you want a hand out. And who wants to give a hand out to such a vicious, insulting bitch as yourself? NO ONE.
There is no medication or real effective therapy for people with your issues. Except prison, to keep you away from taking advantage of naive people who have a hard time believing people as bottomlessly cruel and greedy even EXIST
Funny you don't address the health of your animals, just the one thing that doesn't necessarily implicate you.Do you even HAVE eight dogs and six cats? Or is that just another one of your crafted stories to get pity? It's just a bit over the top, just like the rest of your story
They fall for your fake sob story, try to help you, and when you overwhelm them with outrageous requests and then get ANGRY with them for not complying, they run for their lives
You slowly doom your animals to starvation and illness and neglect, supposedly. You tell lies to get sympathy and money. You try to take advantage of a system meant to help the TRULY needy. What is your opinion of yourSELF?
For all I know, you aren't living in a "hovel" with nine thousand animals. Someone would have called the Animal Cops on you by now for all your claims they are in need of food and care. How do you keep the fleas and heartworm under control? Do you brush them all and bathe them all? How do you care for their teeth? Do you do your own surgery on them when they are ill? You can't take care of them, if I am to believe your story.But I am starting to not believe it. If you can support 8 dogs and six cats, you DO have money. Because NO WHERE on Planet Earth is there enough charity or people willing to provide it without calling Animal Control on you!.
A person on dial up internet CANNOT set up or maintain a blog such as yours A person who is "disabled" because of their "complex PTSD" cannot manage to string enough thoughts together to set up a blog such as yours, nor would they have the intense focus to maintain such a pathetic sob story for SO LONG as to take advantage of good people until they too run the other direction when you begin attacking THEM. It is YOU who have been busted. As an abuser yourself. As a psychopath yourself. I ought to ban you entirely, out of decency and principle. Except you amuse me.
Are you flea infested?Are you running with red open sores from the vermin munching on your ankles? Do your dogs gasp and lay quietly on the ends of their chains, fur matted and eyes dim from starvation and worms? Does your hovel stink from the scarce kitty litter? Or are they shitting up the poor man's yard where you keep your hovel? Do you scoop it up out of some rare impulse to actually be grateful? If you do, where do you PUT the POO? In his garbage can? Or do you dry it and burn it for heat
BEHOLD!! BinkStink conning her fellow Catboxers out of MONEY...
Posted 18 December 2007 - 09:09 PM
ATM is a POS waste of the human genome and if I EVER doubted he was a sociopath/narcissist I no longer do. I am crushed to think I had this evil menace to society in my home, in my bed, how can I not look like some kind of moral idiot myself?And how is he getting all these people to HELP him when he is such an OBVIOUS criminal low life?? His widdle nuts got cold and somehow he got this couple -- who know him WELL and everything that's gone on -- to allow him to move in with him. These are salt of the earth folks . . . they are my friends too . . . they KNOW I got a RO for a reason! They know WHY I got one!I feel totally stupid saying this but I feel so betrayed by them. I know that's not what really happened but DAM guys, what the hell?? They are giving him 3 hots and a cot AND a base from which to operate. He cannot function unless he is feeding off of someone, he's been a complete mess since I kicked him out. This couple who allowed him to move in assured me they would NEVER let him come back and stay with them again. Man, that HURTS. I am so hurt. They didn't intend to hurt me or betray me. No, they fell "victim" to ATM and are poster children for why we need Alanon meetings up here. Still . . .
Then, I'm on a well for water and there is a leak in the cistern. I fill it up and by the next day, 300 gallons of water is gone. My car spouted an exhaust leak and I am BROKE. I mean I have NO money except about 200 bucks worth of savings bonds. Then the phone company called and my "service may be temporarily disconnected" tonight at midnight.
Oh yeah, my lawyer called me back to tell me he doesn't think refunding me any of my retainer is a good idea considering we will need every cent 'cause ATM is now on a litigious ROLL. He also counseled me NOT to sell anything, even if my phone gets cut off, and he was very serious about that.Oh and I have four bales of hay left for the goats. I've been trying to sell them off without any luck for months, I have offered them for FREE to local 4H but haven't heard back . . . guys, my only other option is to shoot them and butcher them.
No, I don't have a J*O*B goddammit. I haven't even been able to function beyond the daily necessities. I guess there is no kick in the pants like this, huh? I need to wake up and get with the program. No one can do this for me. I cannot "eat" support and validation, nor will it keep the animals fed and the phone on :) I have to snap out of this depression and MOVE my butt.
My family are . . . well, lovely, POOR and rather dithering. I'd just worry them into heart attacks.I feel very, very frightened. And furious. And . . . I guess resigned. What can I do? But put one foot in front of the other. I have a great deal of faith in God but that doesn't mean I don't have some hell to go through.
I know this is a lot . . . if you made it through, knowing you read it means so much.
wow... that is quite the manipulative post!!. poor BinkStink... she cannot 'eat support and validation''.. support and validation won't keep her animals fed!!!.. she's BROKE... she's going to have to BUTCHER her pets... wow...
now... let's take a moment to review some of her vile spew at ME...onto whom she has chosen to PROJECT HERSELF and HER PATHOLOGY!!.
'you tell lies to get sympathy and money'... here she is projecting herself onto me!!.. it is BinkStink who was telling lies to get sympathy and money!!. because i have never used my pets or my situation to solicit sympathy or money!!. EVER!!! she is attacking me... but actually talking about herself! and the same with this attack...
For all I know, you aren't living in a "hovel" with nine thousand animals. Someone would have called the Animal Cops on you by now for all your claims they are in need of food and care. How do you keep the fleas and heartworm under control? Do you brush them all and bathe them all? How do you care for their teeth? Do you do your own surgery on them when they are ill? You can't take care of them, if I am to believe your story.
But I am starting to not believe it. If you can support 8 dogs and six cats, you DO have money. Because NO WHERE on Planet Earth is there enough charity or people willing to provide it without calling Animal Control on you!.
gee BinkStink... how does someone with NO MONEY care for -- let me quote you .... "a herd of 25 goats, a couple dozen chickens and ten geese and two tom turkeys, 13 dogs and two cats. Oh yeah, and me :)" ... followed up with that talk about BUTCHERING her pets!!.
and well... she can't SELL anything... because her lawyer has told her not to!!.. OMG... and for all these women on the Catbox knew... BinkStink is NOT 'living in a hovel with nine thousand animals'!! she's projecting herself onto me AGAIN... a couple of people tell her to give the animals away... nd leave... or take them to a shelter...
well -- now BinkStink seemed to think i was lying about the shelters here being full... maybe it's because of her 'forgetting' THIS post of HERS!!!
Thanks Miki The animal shelters were something I'd looked into a while back, they are crammed with animals and can't take a single one. I even called today, no change, but I was able to schedule spay/neuter of the puppies for free
Oh I "know" about the farm life thing . . . ATM was going to be the one to "do the deed" while I disappeared myself until it was all over . . . I did this last year with a couple of goats, I handled it OK. Once it didn't "look like" the poor goat any more I was alright .
What I CANNOT kill and eat are my precious little poultry people. I love birds and it would be like butchering one of my dogs There are two geese who I will take with me, and my cats Bebe and Bink. I pray I can find temporary homes for the two adult dogs and the Great Pyrenees.
by now Catboxer Wind Dancer has offered to send her money by paypal... and the ball starts rolling... Wind Dancer even offers to let her come to Georgia and stay with her...
The general feeling about livestock is . . .well, they are food and open mouths, what are you, crazy? Times are tough, butcher them.
Not a single person has offered to help me keep them going until I can somehow, some way, get them on to new homes or Freezer Camp. Wind I don't know what to say, you can't see my face (and I'd be hiding it anyway), people who don't even know me from Adam offering to help me is . . . well, I am used to helping others, and so not used to being helped.
I'll set up a pay pal thingie, maybe I can use it to sell something on Ebay?I know I can't just sit here and wait any more. I don't even know what I was waiting for . . . for God to drop a care package from Heaven? To find a money tree, a sugar daddy? I wasn't even thinking . . . I can do "One Day at a Time" like a champ but I think I over did it
I have received more support that I FEEL from the people here than from all the IRL interactions I've had in the last two years. I am not kidding. That support ALONE has lifted me up, guys.
And NO ONE has offered to help me feed my critters till I can get them rehomed except you all. It's not surprising . . . number one, I never asked :) and second, you don't want to know how they "take care" of unwanted animals up here.
I feel like I must say the "right thing" to convey my gratitude, but for the life of me I don't have words for it. I have words for everything too . . . but have to go around the mulberry bush, it's just too powerful for me to give it "word" right now.
after acting like she, who seems to be of at least average intelligence, had no idea about paypal or how to set up an account.. someone did it for her... and the money poured in... how much no one but she knows...
OH BOY!! I just looked and SO many have responded and placed donations in my little PayPall account . . . I am truly FLOORED guys :( I am going to make sure every bit of donations and love and concern sent my way MEAN SOMETHING. I promise it will! It is going to be my leg up.I am NOT giving up. This all gives me so much more hope where I was running out of it . . .Y ou have made a difference. A bigger one than you know!
Perhaps the favorite all around foodies for the livestock is cracked grains. I call it "crack" lol because they go for it like the drug!! It's especially important to have a little "crack" in the winters up here, it keeps the internal fires burning and little beasts warm and chunky and healthy.
And, it is not expensive, and goes a long way.
BinkStink... here -- in her rabid malicious attacks on ME... was actually talking about herself...
'you slowly doom your animals to starvation and illness and neglect, supposedly. You tell lies to get sympathy and money.
BinkStink did what she is accusing me of!!. she really played them... and then... when the Catbox blew up... BinkStink thanked them all by hatefully betraying everyone who had sent her that money... attacked them... maligned them... and took sides with Dr. Irene... .again to further her own agenda... and that's why she is not welcome at Our Place.... because she conned them... and they know it...
who wants to give a hand out to such a vicious insulting bitch as yourself, BinkStink? i bet these days... NO ONE...
Here's more of her spew against me: I agree that what I think of me and know to be true is enough. I don't actually have a problem with her calling me a narc or a ravening psychopath intent upon victimizing the already victimized.
nope... what BinkStink has a PROBLEM with is me causing a psychopath (her) some discomfort... too much full strength truth for her taste...
see... i had a 'profession' too... i was a real estate broker for many years... and i'm not quite beliving BinkStink's story!!.. i can go back and look up home sale prices in San Diego the year BinkStink sold hers... and what the appreciation rates were... and i don't believe for one minute that BinkStink took the profit from the sale of her home... bought 20 acres and a cabin in Idaho... bought a bunch of livestock... bought trucks...a snowmobile...tools.. and assorted other things we will eventually hear her tell of purchasing... and did it without a job... and then spent two years living there... with no job... surviving solely off the money from the sale of her house... while her ex: ATM spent 100 grand on drugs!!.. nope... just doesn't add up... just doesn't add up...

obviously she and her ex, ATM had a source of income that is for some reason not being mentioned... wonder what that reason could be?... you'll see her say HERSELF that ATM was a meth cook.. why would someone chose to move to a remote area of Idaho?... with no job?... unless they had a new career in mind????????...
hmmmmmm... are you sure that was CHEESE you and ATM were making up on that 40 mile switchback road in the wilds of Idaho, BinkStink????? or is this quote you spewed at ME some more of YOUR projection about yourself???? :)
YOU MARRIED HIM. You thought he was a pretty good deal yourself. I suspect there was a time his nefarious deeds (criminal activity, drug addiction) were lookin' pretty good to you. Together you could rip off the whole world and sit pretty on your real estate millions, together. ceptin's crime does NOT pay.
More from 'always the martyr' BinkStink:I have a problem with a crazy woman contacting my place of EMPLOYMENT, dragging my personal life forward and causing the need for me to explain how I even know this whackjob. I don't announce wherever I go that I am a domestic abuse survivor. And it is EMBARRASSING to realize I've got another one after me, so unfortunately, I've been reacting, and you're right :)
I don't care what they think of me because suddenly I am a domestic violence survivor. I like to choose when and who I share this information with, on my own terms.
OK, I didn't realize THAT is what bothers me the most.
hmmmmm... then it's back to the THIRD PERSON schizoid shit... with another jab at me for telling the truth:
Who "Bink" is already speaks for itself, and her blog content says more about her.
More from Bink and what she and her proxies say about me.
STAY TUNED FOR PART TWO... ................
by psychopath Mike McGrannahan
"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men." -- Leonardo Da Vinci
.“I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget.” -- Chaim Herzog
''Justice is incidental to law and order." - J. Edgar Hoover
"Life is life's greatest gift. Guard the life of another creature as you would your own because it is your own. On life's scale of values, the smallest is no less precious to the creature who owns it than the largest." -- Lloyd Biggle Jr.