As we all know... mud sticks best to a clean spot... so since BinkStink the abusive Narc, couldn't make headway with me... she now turns to my friend - Barbara, moderator at ALL ABOUT HIM... in a pathetic attempt to hurt me and get attention for herself... here's her latest spew:
All About Him: A Review
March 12th, 21:00
From the welcome page for Lisa E. Scott's website .
You cannot change a narcissist, but you can take steps to make changes in your life that will make you happier. I believe that is our goal... to accept what we cannot change and change what we can. We have the ability to grow and evolve, which is a beautiful thing. We are responsible for the choices we make in life and we can choose to be happy or we can choose to remain a victim. I choose to be happy and I hope you will join me in my journey.
There is a forum on Scott's website for victims of narcissists to share their stories and receive hope and support. It has a modest membership as yet, being only about a year old.
There are tens or maybe hundreds of public and private forums for victims of domestic violence or partners with personality disorders (which amount to about the same thing). I've searched high and low on the net over the last three years, and after joining many of them, ended up spending most of my time on Trubble's Catbox. It was a community that was going strong seven years after it's inception. The membership, almost to the person, is now at Our Place as of a year and a half ago, and in my estimation, has a number of true veterans of domestic violence and the years of healing afterward.
Many of the true veterans are on the admin team, some of whom have held the position for the last ten years. Many more are just members, still active years past the grueling end of their abusive relationships. There is real clarity and healing going on over there. There is leading by example. And this is what I see NOT happening on Lisa Scott's forum. Well, at least if you want to lead by HEALTHY example.
I'm not clear as to how involved Scott is with her forum. She has a single moderator, "Barbara", who participates regularly and posts a wealth of articles and resources to specific issues that the membership brings up. I recognized "Barbara" almost immediately. I knew her as Shattered4Good on Trubble's Catbox. She was a dedicated link poster then, too. She sometimes linked four or five articles per day.
I was not privvy to exactly what happened to cause Shattered4Good to be banned from the Catbox. It had something to do with her linking. The Catbox admins created a dedicated forum for articles and links and helpful books, and asked Shattered4Good to post her material there. Soon thereafter, she was banned. It happened when I left Idaho, I didn't have a computer and lost contact for a few days.
"Barbara" was also a member of The Next Right Choice, a spin-off forum of Trubble's Catbox, in the immediate aftermath of the Catbox Implosion of 2008. She was one of many who re-emerged to cast their opinions while the Catbox fell apart, and the membership made their exodus to Our Place. She was eventually banned from TNRC as well, though again I was not privvy to exactly why.
What I do know of "Barbara" is that she lives with her two children and her (ex?) husband in a separated dwelling, and is dependent upon him for her living expenses. She is disabled by a number of chronic health conditions and is unable to work. This leaves her in a kind of bondage to her abuser, which she recounts many tales of. Her children suffer various emotional problems as well. All of this information has been shared by "Barbara" on all forums she's been a member of, so this is definitely not insider information, but public knowledge.
What concerns me is that between "Barbara's" written feedback to the membership of and Lisa Scott's mission is a loud discrepancy. It appears so great, to me, that I wonder if Lisa Scott reads the forum content at all. Or if she does, she doesn't know quite what to do with "Barbara".
The Catbox Implosion occurred when Dr Irene Matiatos, after several years of allowing her admins to run the show, decided she didn't like the direction the ship was going, and took the wheel. It turns out Dr Irene and her admin team had very different ideas about what was "good" for abuse survivors. The difference could be much better described by the ex-Catbox admins (now at Our Place, along with the entire ex-Catbox community), but to a member with a short stint as an admin working directly with Irene, the difference was more about the aftermath of a stupid mistake on Irene's part and her doomed attempts to save face afterward, than anything philosophical.
Between the sole moderator "Barbara" and the mission of, the difference appears indeed to be philosophical, in the extreme.
Here is her reply to an AAH member who is expressing despair and hopelessness in the aftermath of a relationship with an abuser:just a word
Fri, 03/12/2010 - 21:32 — Barbara
I have to back up my buddy narcnarc here. While I can appreciate you all trying to bolster her... people like her and I are WAAAAY beyond 'hope' and 'getting out' and having 'fun.' Fun to me is a good night's sleep on pain killers, when I am able to take them... some party, huh?
narcnarc, for instance, has complex PTSD. She and her pets would be homeless if someone didn't donate a house to her. A house WITHOUT heat... but it's something. She has NO INCOME other than food stamps. Food pantries won't deal with her because she 'can't show proof of income' (I know, WTF! huh?) She probably has fibromyalgia but the hospital won't see her (no medicaid) and no doctor will see her for free.
Like her I have complex PTSD. I am severely disabled so a shelter would never take me. Besides I would never leave my kids. I am morbidly obese from drugs & surgeries though people treat me like I am "just fat." If exNH didn't pay my rent, utilities and insurance I'd be in narcnarc's position.
We don't want to go out. We look like hell, feel like hell and we are tired of people telling us to "have hope." We have accepted what IS. That's one of the reasons I am working on getting a coaching certification. The positive affirmation/ self-talk thing gets pretty tired when you've dealt with a serious psychopath (or 3 in my case)
I don't date and I never will again. I get it narcnarc - why afflict someone as PTSD destroyed as us? We don't like it and we are smart enough to know others won't either. The old "her" is gone for me. I'd be ridiculous to even imagine I could get "her" back - she died a long time ago - a horrible agonizing death.
the only person who know who I USED TO BE left - was Psycho-Boy!! and look what happened!
she's done... all I can do is make sure no one else goes thru the same things I have.
Good grief, now *I* feel like gargling a bottle of Percocet and going to bed forever.
This woman is a MODERATOR? A "leader", a wise woman, for a group of people hoping for a decent life after years with an abusive narcissist? What is she trying to tell them? That she herself is hopeless and so is her "buddy" and DON'T YOU DARE SUGGEST OTHERWISE.
No words of support, or any empathy for that matter, for the members who've begun to open up and risk sharing their shame and pain. God forbid they HOPE for a better life, this "destroyed" woman will set them straight!
You know, whatever. "Barbara" has the perfect right to be the way she is.
But is she "moderator material" for a group of very vulnerable individuals recovering from abuse and violence?
As damaged and hurt as we are by our abusive scenarios, we are not made STUPID by them. And that is why most of them, anyway, will steer clear of this forum.
Lisa Scott! Pay attention to what's going on on YOUR website. Pay attention to your good name and reputation, which is good enough with your written work and public appearances. Take another look at this forum and ask yourself if "Barbara" is your idea of a guide for people you hope to give a leg up to?
This is a clear sign of BinkStink's desperation and delusions... as well as her need to be 'relevant'... before she removes it or sends her abuser proxies over... like she did with a bunch of her other smear & slander - you can read and respond here:
Saturday, March 13, 2010
BinkStink Extends her Smear Campaign to my Friends
Posted by no one you know at 4:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: all about him, bink, briesis, misdirection, misinterpretation, slander, smear campaign
Monday, March 8, 2010
They may ramble and tell stories that seem unlikely in light of what is known about them. Typically, they attempt to appear familiar with sociology, psychiatry, medicine, psychology, philosophy, poetry, literature, art, or law. A signpost to this trait is often a smooth lack of concern at being found out.
anyone who has read BinkStink's spews can see a running theme... everyone is mentally ill... except her... everyone needs to be restrained or medicated, etc... except her... by pointing the finger at others, and spewing a few words of psychobabble... BinkStink takes the stance of being in control... of diagnosing... of being superior to her victims... but when you think about it... is this the way someone who is REALLY in the mental health field would behave?. of course not... .that's the first clue that she is not what she claims to be...
Psychopaths are good imposters. They have absolutely no hesitation about forging and brazenly using impressive credentials to adopt professional roles that bring prestige and power. They pick professions in which the requisite skills are easy to fake, the jargon is easy to learn, and the credentials are unlikely to be thoroughly checked. Psychopaths find it extremely easy to pose as financial consultants, ministers, psychological counselors and psychologists. And that's a scary thought.
- she was banned from the Catbox for STALKING and abusing members... she has STALKED me...
and now she is STALKING and attacking members of a forum she is not a member of...
Even more amazing is the fact that when psychopaths do get exposed by someone who is not afraid to admit that they have been conned, the psychopath is a master at painting their victims as the "real culprits."
Another thing I noticed on her blog, that my place of work will be SURE to notice, is that she is compromising patient confidentiality and a corporation's good name herSELF, by using the hospital's actual name (never once mentioned on my journal). Keep on shoveling, you twit. In your grandiosity, you are messing with bigger and badder people than you are capable of recognizing. Corporations take their "good name" VERY seriously, even more seriously than you take yours. And they can DO something about it, more effective things than ravings and character assassination attempts.
Jobs are dear nowadays, in this economy. Even nursing jobs. So it is, for me, a particularly low blow, to have a gnashing crazy woman hate that I disagree with her and then proceed to try and take me down where it matters. Which she can't do, but it's the THOUGHT, you know? It's her intention. Fucking with my sole means of support. For my daughter, grandson, son, and animals, NOT just me.
i refuse to feel any shame for going after an abusive stalker... you will see BinkStink call me a 'dangerous person'... you will also see her call a nurse she works with a 'dangerous person'... what does a psychopath consider to be a 'dangerous person'?... someone who is onto them... their way of dealing with such 'dangerous people' is to attempt to destroy them.. if they can't do it physically, they do with a smear campaign... full of lies and finger pointing... in an effort to discredit the person who is onto them...
so she kicks it up another notch... vilifying the real victims... there is no need to offer examples... are they are legion and well known to anyone who reads here... or knows of her...
As I've written before, the unthinkable is true, that at heart, the victim and perp suffer from the same condition. They just take up position on opposite poles of the same problem. At heart, they are equally as greedy and destructive, at least in results. I know this is what makes me a pariah in the domestic violence victim community, this willingness of mine to point out the stain on the lily white garment of the abused
i intend to keep pounding away at her until she 'choses' to go away... if it requires '50 pages' of emails to her employer... or a formal complaint to the medical board... or letters from myself and others to the attorney general... alerts to patients rights organizations... whatever it takes... i am going to do it...
psychopaths value their MASK OF SANITY dearly.. it is what allows them to walk through this world and do their dirty work... unimpeded... i am going to claw and rip at her mask until it is in shreds... and she is revealed for what she is... a MONSTER... in her latest attempts to vilify me... among a few actual quotes from me... and some she has fabricated, is one that stands out... i did indeed say this to her... while she was taunting my poverty... "you obviously find poverty very amusing... as long as it isn't YOURS."... she seems to value two things... her 'reputation' i.e. her MASK... and her job...
Conscience seems to depend on the ability to imagine consequences. But most "consequences" relate to pain in some way, and psychopaths really don't understand pain in the emotional sense. They understand frustration of not getting what they want, and to them, that is pain. But the fact seems to be that they act based solely on a sort of Game Theory evaluation of a situation: what will they get out of it, and what will it cost? And these "costs" have nothing to do with being humiliated, causing pain, sabotaging the future, or any of the other possibilities that normal people consider when making a choice.
I know I'll never "win" a contest with such a person. I can't and won't go so far as she has. All I can do is warn others to stay far, far away lest she come after them, too. I appreciate EVERYONE'S support through this, and urge you NOT to get into pissing matches with CF, or spend a moment worrying about me.
any other PSYCHOPATHS who are out there reading this... heed BinkStink's words... don't spend a moment worrying about your fellow psychopath BinkStink.. because she sure won't spend a moment worrying about you... but stay far away... lest i come after you too...
i told her i was going to contact Providence Medical Centers... her employer... because she was using their computers for hours every night... no doubt neglecting her patients in her obsessive efforts to stalk me... and writing about her betrayals of patient confidentiality.. and about her nasty, likely unfounded, attacks on co-workers in her blog... calling them abusive and crazy... same as she says about everyone... except herself... of course... all Narcs believe they are above reproach.. all Narcs believe they are untouchable...
as seen in these excerpts from her rants... in which she began to spew typical Narc lies... that's not where she works... she can't access my site from there, even though she doesn't work there... well, even if she works there, i don't have her real name so she's not worried... the usual Narc lying bullshit...
(my comments in purple)
if you don't want me to read your blog, STOP SENDING ME INVITATIONS TO DO SO. (as we all one has to INVITE a disgusting Narc to stalk you!) You love it when I read your blog, you live to check your site count. It's too transparent. (typical Narc... telling me i want her around while i'm screaming at her to get lost) You'd make your blog private or invitation only if you were so APPALLED at being READ (your version of stalked). (again telling me what i think...what i should do....) And wrong AGAIN about where I work. (NO... I'm RIGHT ABOUT WHERE YOU WORK... ABSOLUTELY CORRECT... if I wasn't she wouldn't spend ANY time trying to tell me I'm wrong - LOL) We can't access sites like LiveJournal or Blogger or Facebook for a reason. (LIE.. LIE) I wouldn't worry even if you had my NAME, which you do not and cannot possibly have. (is worried and is FISHING ) Your accusations will look like insane drivel. (trying to do some pre-emptive intimidation) The nursing board cares about facts and proof, not the ravings of a lonely spurned internet ghost. (UH HUH - methinks BinkStink doest protest WAAAY TOO MUCH... a dead giveaway)now of course i've told this crazy abusive bitch repeatedly to take a hike... .take a slide in her own slimey shit... but she's an abusive defiant psychotic Narc... getting rid of someone like BinkStink is like trying to pull a tick off a dog's butt... BinkStink will have to be FORCED to go away...
here are some excerpts from her next ranting diatribe posted in her Narc rage... this bitch is not only vile... i'm beginning to think she really may have some underlying mental illness... or the world's worst case of DUMBASS...
NOT continue to send little "hints" and "entreaties" to read her blog, dropping her scat in little titillating bits just big enough to give a hint of stink. (that's your own nasty shit you're smelling BinkStink.. not mine )Send me an invite to read "Episode Three" of her smear-fmst on Bink (speaking in third person... can we say SCHIZOID... and she was not 'invited'.. in fact i had blocked her home IP weeks before) I DO read Mary's blog. (i thought she wrote that she DIDN'T read it... it's so hard to keep up with all these NARC LIES... they change constantly) I check it about every other day(about every other MINUTE). From home. (SHE CAN'T...SHE'S BLOCKED) Our "net nanny" at work does not allow us to access Facebook or MySpace or Blogger. (this is course is a BLATANT NARC LIE) It's tremendously ANNOYING because I know my sunflowers are ready to be harvested and must hope they do not shrivel by the time I get home. (poor NARC... neglecting her sunflowers to STALK ME... soooooooo sad...)
Why do I read her blog? She entertains me. (she is a STALKER.. that's why she reads the blog.. even after i banned her home IP... she started stalking me from work) I am and have always been someone who is first to the trainwreck to ogle the disaster. I can eat spagetti and corn with great appetite while watching abdominal surgery on Discovery Health Channel. I have an embarrassing fascination with gore. Forgive me. I've read all Ann Rule's books and relate to her a lot. I know more about birth defects and crazy ass freakazoid genetic disorders than many doctors SIMPLY because that is the kind of stuff I read about before I fall asleep at night. (FREAK reading about freaks...sounds about right ) My mind is like a bad neighborhood at night. (during that schizoid rambling... she did give some insight into the 'machinations' of her pathology... what a whack job)
Reading Mary's journal is like reading a case study. She desperately wants to imagine me reading her journal and getting pissed off. (nope... i prefer to imagine this crazy bitch dead and in Hell) She enjoys the thought that I am sweating her threats to report me to the board of nursing. (narcs never sweat anything...) It gives her great thrills (otherwise lacking in her life) to IMAGINE that someone else is SUFFERING because of what she says about them. It would please her to no end if I did lose my nursing license and end up as broke-ass as she says she is. (i concede to this one!! she shouldn't be near sick people!! :p )
Now what kind of person gets their jollies out of causing PAIN to other people? (you BinkStink) What kind of person is it that would take ACTION to destroy another person's life? (BinkStink) While AT THE SAME TIME make pages and pages of requests for PITY for her own (rather imagined) destroyed life? (BinkStink must be talking about the 5,000 PLUS whining posts SHE made on the Catbox before being BOOTED) What kind of person with a shred of conscience can do that, without a stab of guilt, without a natural boundary past which she would not venture? (no one with a shred of conscience... again she's talking about HERSELF) Mary is a classic case of an ABUSER disguising herself as a VICTIM. (HIPPODROME PROJECTOR is running... again she's talking about HERSELF - read her first paragraphs - she ENJOYS reading about my pain & problems.mine and others....GLOATS over it... she's said so HERSELF)
For a while I WAS afraid of her. (WHO'S playing VICTIM?.. HAHAHAHA). I thought GAWD what if she FOUND ME?? What if she showed up on my doorstep one day? It's in the news all the time. These people do not have the "natural" boundaries that prevent most of us from taking certain kinds of action. (YEAH... like stalking a blog after you've been asked, then told to 'get lost' ) I do not fear her threats to call a complaint to the nursing board, because she'd need my NAME and a legitimate complaint to do so.(here she goes again) I'm sure she knows this, but yet it is the last of her lifeblood, the last thrills she allows herself, to threaten and smear, alternating with embarrassing (to anyone else) pleas for pity.
You are a pain machine, a vampire who feels no strike of conscience for the bloodsucked corpse at your feet. As long as YOU get your satisfaction, to hell with everyone else.(PROJECTING again) Your misery is so pervasive I truly do NOT comprehend it, and yes, it really DOES frighten me. God gave me the instinct to flee from such hopeless destructiveness (hmmm... then you'd think the bitch would FLEE me instead of STALK me ) I know you and yet I still cannot fathom why a person would so persistently seek to create more pain for others, when a life lived well has already more than enough pain (i'm really fed up with this sanctimony spewing Narc bitch)
now if all this garbage aimed at me isn't enough... then the nasty bitch starts in on some poor nurse she works with who has a baby dying of cancer!!! she is, in her own sneaky Narc way... GLOATING over this nurse's suffering!!.. she has obviously been envious of this nurse for some time... and starts projecting her own nasty garbage onto this poor woman...
this was the final straw... after reading this spew... in which she feigns compassion and concern... while gloating and hinting the woman has it coming to her... i picked up the phone and called the administrators of Providence Medical Centers... and told them about their own nasty version of Nurse Ratched... RatchedWretchedBinkStink!!.
here's the spew that caused me to narc out the NARC...
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago a nurse I work with had a very sick baby, sixteen months old, rushed to Children's Hospital unable to urinate or move her legs. Turns out she has cancer, Atypical Rhabdoid Teratoid Tumor or AT/RT. All but 11% of children beneath the age of three live less than a year, in spite of massive chemotherapy, radiation, stem cell transplant and surgery. It is a "new" sort of cancer, identified as a separate type in 1987, and is known to resist chemotherapy and grow back stronger than ever.An oncology nurse thinks her baby daughter has a urinary tract infection and constipation, but it turns out to be the WORST possible problem. (she is taunting this woman... for being an oncology nurse and not recognizing cancer in her own baby... BinkStink is a sick evil vindictive bitch )that was very disturbing... so i picked up the phone and called... and told the administrator part of the story... and forwarded her some highlights of BinkStink's raging diabtribes... they were concerned... about her using their computers... about her accusations that another nurse is abusive... about her prattling on about patients and their conditions...
I do pray, although I am not sure who or What I am praying to. And as I get older, I am less and less sure what I am praying FOR. Of course, a miracle for this precious child is what I pray for. (which is it you lying bitch... praying for a miracle... or just NARC ASS FAKING IT?) And I hesitate for just a moment to order around a Higher Power that contains within it the "miracle" of how tragedy can destroy your life and force you to rise from your own ashes into a new one. (WHAT?... the Narc hates to order God around?.. i can't imagine that!!!!) The mother of this child is a nurse I work with several times a week. In the last year I have worked with her, I have grown to pretty much loathe her. (OF COURSE !!!!!.. .this nasty bitch LOATHES everyone... like all Narcs she is envious and jealous of everyone! )
She is very abusive, the kind of person I keep at arm's length and force myself to be polite and friendly with. The kind of person who I see sitting HERE and go OVER THERE so as not to sit near her and get her focused upon me. She is negative as a rule, and envious. (P.R.O.J.E.C.T.I.O.N) Her assignment is always "unfair" and she spends a lot of her time cornering her co-workers to complain about how the charge nurse is singling her out and "punishing" her with such an unfair assignment. If she spent that time complaining just doing her JOB she wouldn't have to throw a temper tantrum at the end of the shift because she has to stay late to chart, or brow beat the charge nurse into giving her overtime for not taking her breaks.(YEAH... while the Narc BinkStink is spending HER time on her JOB stalking my blog!! )
She will blatantly lie to the director of nursing while you are standing there aghast. And then tell you "I love you so much!!!" while you writhe in disgust and fear of what she is going to do next. I don't ask her for help with my bedbound patients because she is rough with them. (it was this obvious PROJECTIVE SPEW from BinkStink that convinced me she's abusing her patients!!)
I say a special "prayer" each time I know I am working with her. Sort of like a virtual garlic necklace, I guess.When her baby girl was diagnosed with this horrible cancer, I felt such a mass of inarticulate pain and remorse and stubborn SOMETHING I dare not put it into words even now. (yeah... i bet...) The last I heard, she remains "herself". Unlike most of the other staff, I do not call her on the phone, I have not participated in the bake sale and silent auctions scheduled for next week. I have not sent money or food. (what a SUPRISE!! BinkStink's true selfish, envious NARC self is showing here, big time... and she's BRAGGING about being a cold blooded bitch!!) .
Of course, this nurse, who even the doctors have formally complained about is now a saint, and you know, I really get that. (stinking of ENVY) She's just had the worst possible thing happen to her, and it is only going to GET worse and worse even if there is a conventional miracle in this child's future. (GLOATING) I sometimes feel confused but I know it isn't really confusion. It's my mind trying to stay balanced on a bucking bronco, to hold two diametrically opposed thoughts at the same time. A truly hateful and destructive person is experiencing the worst tragedy and grief I myself can imagine. (GLOATING AGAIN ) I can't and won't forget that this person is abusive and psychologically dangerous. (this crazy bitch thinks EVERYONE in the world is abusive and dangerous except her... everyone seeing the pattern to this?)
It is these things that make me more hesitant than EVER to float up an order to God or Whatever set Existence in motion. (wow... again the crazy bitch is hinting that she COULD intercede by chatting it up with God. but isn't going to do it... WHACK JOB) Do I have the power, or even the choice to TRY, to bring up an edible fruit from what is sown in tragedy?I guess I HAVE done that already. (OMG)
i sent them the IP logs... showing BinkStink on my blog for HOURS at a time... when she was on their time clock.. .and supposed to be caring for gravely ill patients... i'm sure i'm just one of many people the whack job is stalking... so she probably spends almost every moment at work using their computers for some nefarious purpose...
anyone who actually knows me in real life... and anyone who has read this blog for any time at all knows that i have been trying to get BinkStink to stop maligning me... slandering me... attacking me and stalking me for some time. i exposed her as a Narc on here... posting her spews in an attempt to get her to back off... i blocked her home IP... and she just kept on stalking... using the hospital computers even more... so i TOLD her to knock it off.....or i was going to complain to Providence Medical Centers... but like ALL NARCS... BinkStink considers herself to be omnipotent... impervious to consequences... all powerful behind a keyboard...
i sent her the IP logs... she KNEW i had them... knew i could prove she was using their computers... and what did she do?... she LIED about working there... when that didn't work, she LIED about having the ability to access my blog from the hospital computers... and when that didn't work (even the hospital confirmed to me what SHE WAS DOING!)... she became defiant and told me there was 'nothing i could do to stop' her... and that i 'ENJOYED' her abuse... so.. i dropped a dime on her sick, Narcissistic ass to her employers... just like i said i would do...
let's look at some of BinkStink's BLATANT NARC LIES (which were refuted to me BY HER OWN EMPLOYER)...
- she IS stalking my blog from Providence Medical Center...
- she IS using their computers...
- she IS employed there...
- there IS NO 'NET NANNY'...
one thing she says is true... i have had to contact her from multiple emails... because like ALL NARCS... BinkStink will smear her goose scat... then block any possibility of reply or self-defense from the person she ATTACKED... a typical NARC CONTROL TACTIC...
here are some emails from the nasty BinkStink...
in this one... BinkStink, who like ALL NARCS, is an expert on everything... sends me an email suggesting how and what i should write in my own blog..
I am serious. Your content is less organized. (ah...the old gaslighting routine... the old you're crazy by i'm not crap..) You crank on the same point fifty times, as if you are trying to force someone who doesn't believe you. I know you screen your comments, so I'm wondering if you have received a bunch of unsupportive ones? (SHE WISHES... the only unsupportive comments I have ever gotten were from her or her Catbox cronies... and I can prove that) Or people asking after your welfare? (MORE gaslighting...BORING) Are you telling them to shove it too?her 'concern' is quite touching is it not?.. HAHAHAHAHA... but now... BinkStink has been caught... Providence is onto her... so she changes her tune... same song... different tune...
The post I attributed to you has the same IP address as you. (someone left BinkStink a negative comment.. so of course it had to be me...because she's so BELOVED and ESTEEMED by everyone else in the world :P)
Hello. And you've said the same thing before. My comments are unmoderated, you don't have to "disguise" yourself. Re: the demonic imagery. It's just over the top. Mike is not Hannibal Lecter. (i guess that's because BinkStink is Hannibal Lecter - and typical Narc minimizing the abuse I endured at the hands of a PSYCHOPATH who tried to kill me many times, to which I have eyewitnesses. But BINKSTINK KNOWS ALL!!!)
You hammer the satanic imagery in a way that makes you look insincere. You don't temper your description of him with realistic descriptions of yourSELF. I have to conclude you're not honest. (i think we can all conclude now that BinkStink is not HONEST...) It's too one sided.
Yeah, whatever. I can't find a point worth responding to. Nor do I want to pick on someone who is obviously ill and in pain. I sincerely apologize for not recognizing your condition earlier. (again... i'm crazy.. but the whack job BinkStink -- why she's perfectly sane..and of course as with ALL NARCS... there is no such thing as a 'sincere' apology )she's been busted... but she just can't quit... she spends two hours on my blog... again from her employers' computers... trying to hack into my sitemeter... and my widget tools!!. and then has her buddy Goongoddess try to do the same...
You can't comprehend what I write. You are so bitter and envious that you went blind a long time ago. (see?? such thing as a 'sincere' apology) Your agenda is transparent. (this from a whack job NARC whose agenda is as clear as saran wrap ) PITY ME. GIVE IT TO ME. Go call the waaaaahmbulance. People like you dig their own graves and blame everyone else because they are six feet under. Crawl out and get over yourself. (remember... this is coming from a NURSE who also considers herself QUALIFIED TO GIVE ADVICE TO ABUSED WOMEN... sick isn't it?) I mean that in the best possible way, though you'll consider this an insult too. If reading your blog is CAUSING you to contact me via EIGHT different user identities so far, then good gawd I'll stop.(here we go!!...she's been now..she's VOLUNTARILY going to stop stalking's all HER IDEA...)
I don't need this shit, (ah... she doesn't need my shit...but she seemed to think i desperately needed and wanted her shit )I got rid of my abuser and don't tolerate them in my life if I have any choice. And I DO have a choice with YOU. Piss off. If I'm such an abusive narc to YOU then act like it. Quit bothering me. Go 'no contact'. Quit coming back for more "abuse". Problem is, you are so lonely that even 'abuse' is preferable to NOTHING. (BinkStink is busted... and angry... she's been bothering me for months... and that's ok... BUT -- now that i'm one up... by getting her busted at work... she's enraged... and now she's doing the typical narc 'rewriting history' and saying it's me bothering her... gee....i sure hope i'm bothering her!!...and she's the one who keeps 'coming back for more')
but of course it wasn't BinkStink... noooooooooo... instead she blames the computer nerds at her place of employment!!.. it's 'way beyond her ken 'to use simple blogger tools children use all day every day'!!! oh... i'm soooooooo believing that!!!. this SAME abusive bitch who tried to give me advice on how to run my own blog now can't blog at all!!! this bitch couldn't tell the truth if her miserable life (or job) depended on it!!!
I am leaving you alone. The Information Services where I work will be researching this "case" thoroughly to determine if any true breaches of policy have been made . It will be as simple as tracking backward, to see if I "blogged you" from work, which I did not (do tell!!. i thought she didn't use their computers at all!!. wait -- i thought she didn't work there!! i thought they had a 'net nanny'!!. she's told so many pathological lies, she can't even remember them all). a very simple and easy thing for our computer techs to ascertain. By now, it will be apparent that your accusations are false, thus discrediting you. (all of my accusations are IN PRINT and black & white proof was ALREADY SENT TO HER EMPLOYER... but of course the NARC BinkStink will attempt to discredit me... that's what ALL NARCS DO)let's try to keep all the lies straight here...
Someone else is using tools on your blog. That is waaaayyyy beyond my ken. (BULLSHIT... she tried to hack my blog then had her horse-faced- Tonto, Goongoddess try it.. please refer to the 'Goongoddess fails a test' post.. for PROOF that she was trying to access my tools) As for any accesses to your blog from Providence, rest assured it is no longer me doing so, (wait a minute!!..i thought it NEVER WAS her doing it!!. isn't that what she SAID???) and our people will know that. (our people!!! hahahahahahahaha... ah... now it's OUR people... its her and HER people investigating me now.!!.. instead of the reality: her employers sniffing around her)
- she doesn't work at Providence Medical Centers... but she does...
- she was't using their computers... but she was...
- she wasn't stalking my blog from work... but now she's going to STOP stalking my blog from work... but of course...
- she hasn't done anything wrong...
- all my accusations are false...
narc lie narc lie narc lie... there's a bit of a problem, BinkStink... a bit of a problem... see.. you were on your blog... talking about patients at Providence Medical Centers... and accusing another nurse there of being abusive... and those things have nothing to do with me... i am simply going to point out your IN PRINT breaches of confidentiality and your accusations of abuse within the hospital where you work to the Washington State Medical Board... and they can launch their own investigation into that... i guess if you're also lying about those things... you can explain that to them... (and don't try to erase them - internet archives are very easily accessed! VERY EASILY!!)
of course... NARCS are never to blame for the things they've done... never... someone else is always to blame... BinkStink is big on shifting blame... finger pointing... let me quote from an open letter to Dr. Irene she posted on her own blog.. about her being banned from the Catbox... where she blames Dr. Irene's failure to make it a RULE not to stalk harass or slander other members -- for Goongoddess and herself stalking harassing and slandering other members of the Catbox... and of course it's the member's fault too... .for READING what she and Goongoddess said about them !!! a finger pointing blame shifting NARC in action:
It was with complete shock that I signed on with my coffee one morning and found I had been banned. We both know there was no “due process” involved, and it didn’t take me long to realize your reasoning must be because of the content of private messages Earthgoddess and I sent to each other.
I’m pretty sure our private messages to each other did not lead me (or EG) to openly disrespect the admin staff or Irene in our public postings. I can separate my personal opinions from my public behavior.(ALL NARCS CAN AND DO!!!) I know the Catbox rules and did not break any that I am aware of. Snarking behind the scenes ought to be included explicitly in the posted rules.( about blame shifting)
There were very hard feelings, on my part, when I was let go from the admin team. But I cooled off for about three months and resumed my participation when I was able to put it aside for the sake of the members. It felt like I’d come back home. I had no intentions of carrying on my hard feelings. I do not believe I did, publically, in any way.
We discussed other members, gossiped about them with abandon.
For myself, I never meant any harm, whatsoever, to another Catbox member. Or, to any of you. I would not ever say, directly, my personal opinions to you.(because NARCS are covert) That’s all they were. I understand that all people are multidimensional. You were seeing my backside, here. Not my best self. Not a self I would ever share directly.(Narcs always try to hide their true selves ) I don’t even believe I am right in my assessments. I was venting, gossiping, spewing. All things I confined to private conversations with a trusted friend.
I apologize deeply if what I wrote to Earthgoddess hurt any of you. You simply were never meant to read it, or hear it, or ever experience it. I suppose you have no one to blame but yourselves for that one.(omg!) But I do feel regret for any pain I caused. (she regrets being CAUGHT...)
that was an amazing bit of blame shifting by a TURBONARC... it's Irene's fault she was stalking and slandering people behind the scenes... .because there wasn't a RULE about that!!. and anyone who was offended or hurt... well it was THEIR OWN FAULT for READING IT!!.
i guess it will be Providence Medical Centers fault that she was using their computers to stalk me & my blog... because they didn't keep the nasty bitch in chains while at work!!! the crap above is a shining example of the blame shifting techniques of a NARC... and here comes another one... her latest post!!! titled Mean People Suck... it is an ode to her nasty Narc self:How do you deal with them? DO you deal with them? (you report them to the hospital where they work) Or ignore them? I guess it depends on what they are doing. (guess so) It's something we can all relate with. Kids can be very cruel to each other, and we write it off as a lack of maturity. But what's up with a grown person who still does this? (i don't know BinkStink...what is UP when a grown person does this? shows pathological lack of maturity???)
It's "normal", for 13 year olds, they are developmentally grandiose. They are just beginning to see themselves emerge from a hazy lack of differentiation. But I'm talking about people who get stuck there because they never grew up.They accumulate adult experiences and sophistication, and do more sophisticatedly destructive things. (she should know) No one ever said they can't LEARN while remaining perpetual seventh graders.
I don't want to sound like I merely point fingers and take other people's inventories.(no... of course not... you don't want it to SOUND like you're blame shifting...) I am in many ways a person to not be proud of. (whoa... stop the presses... some TRUTH... but of course she doesn't know it's the truth.. so it doesn't count... and Narcs always throw in a little bit of truth to keep you believing their nonsense ) I have embarrassing shortcomings too. I am just not a mean person. (hahahahahaha... no.. she's an EVIL PERSON...) I would not relish the thought someone is hurting and scared because of something I did. (the bullshit is getting deep now) No matter WHAT they did to me, much less lose their job, reputation amongst their community, because I was vengeful. I will chide people or confront them in the right context. Like, when they ask for it or in consensual debate. (ah...i was ASKING to be verbally abused, chided, slandered and stalked)
I see a moral difference between challenging a person's words or behavior, and telling lies so they might lose their job, rather an obvious point to most folks. Reputations, jobs and positions are dear and most adults have them. (GEE... SHE sure doesn't mind SMEARING AND SLANDERING people... She said it herself that she slandered with WILD ABANDON... stay tuned.. she'll do here in just a few paragraphs) They are earned over time, by hard work and trustworthy behavior. They are built over years, very carefully. They're worth the effort.
Someone has, with unusual grandiosity for an adult, appointed themselves to make mischief with my job. (how grandiose of me to report this crazy bitch... shame shame on me) Someone with a lot of time on their hands. Someone without a job or credibility of their own to occupy their time, apparently (unlike BinkStink who has several hours of free time to spend on Providence's time clock.. stalking my blog... while her patients languish).Case in point: A person, whom I shall not name (she's NAMED me over and over...wonder why she's not NAMING me NOW?)but should be obvious, turned her bitter sights to attempt to get me in some sort of "trouble" at my place of work. Not that it is possible to do with her "methods", which were to send enough emails to amount to fifty printed pages to the corporate office, complaining that I was spending HOURS stalking her online from my workplace. (which she was... and the 'method' of complaining is generally to complain, i believe )
She hammered the recipients with stats from her blog's site meter, and interjected them with her trademark . . . well, ravings. (simply sent her spews with an explanation of why and how she is stalking me - i'd be happy to share them so you can see how 'irrational' they were... LOL) She went especially heavy on the ellipses.(hey BinkStink... F... U... C... K... Y... O...U... ) I was given them to read, and yep, guess who? A few cursory checks by our I.S. people ruled that I have "stalked" no one from a work computer, discrediting her entirely. (LIE) A few days ago she sent five or ten messages to me via a NINTH new LiveJournal identity demanding I leave her alone and stop hacking her blog.
Apparently, someone from the IS department took a couple of hours and perused her blog themselves, using some tools only IS people (computer geeks that they are) know how to use. (here we go with the BULLSHIT... we're talking simple blogging tools... like WIDGETS... this bitch is so full of shit she could fertilize a third world country..yeah..i'm sure some I.S geek was trying to hack into my PHOTOBUCKET account and my WIDGETS....... i will be asking 'her' I.S. people, btw...)
Don't worry, dear, this is what HAPPENS when you make false statements to a really large corporation who then worries you might be a security risk. ( HAHAHAHAHA....finger pointing and blame's BinkStink who is breaching patient confidentiality... and accusing nurses of abuse..and using hospital computers...not me!!!!..... i'm not a 'security risk'... I DON'T WORK THERE... this bitch is really digging deep) Feeling a bit . . . invaded?? Idiot.(how about YOU IDIOT...feeling a bit BUSTED?)
The complaints themselves were "odd", said the human resource rep I spoke to. (yeah...that's what they told me too... they found BinkStink's spews VERY ODD) She was concerned this person has gone to great lengths to discover my name and place of work, (OH PLEASE...i got the bitch's place of work from my IP logger... and she signs her own name KIM to her open letter to the Catboxers she maligned!... boy... lot of heavy detective work involved in THAT... LOL) may even know where I live and perhaps be dangerous. (see? she's trying to make ME into the stalker...blame shifting...blame shifting...typical Narc blame shifiting!!...gee BinkStink...maybe you should go into HIDING...that would make plenty of people happy!!!...BinkStink sure does think a lot of people are 'dangerous!! nurse she works with...a forum member on a forum she's stalking but not on, that she knows nothing about... but you'll see her attack here below...on and on and on)
I know it is revenge for suggesting her father was a grand poohbah KKK even though that's probably true. (see??. he nasty bitch just CANNOT stop with the slams) I did my best to ignore the three part BinkStink expose' but I was stupefied after working too many days in a row and my judgment was impaired. (or maybe she was stupified simply because she's a STUPID OBNOXIOUS NARC)
I should have never posted it.(of course she has yet to remove it) For all I know, she's black or Hispanic or a man. I was sort of looking forward to my expose', and found it disappointing in it's lack of imagination and substance. (..MAYBE YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE BETTER!!) Like I said, my judgment was impaired and I blew it. I still wasn't sure she wasn't just jousting with me. (hmmmm...all those emails telling her to knock it off were just love notes, i guess) I am a sucker for jousting. I should know that mentally ill people are concrete thinkers. (yes...since she likely is mentally ill...she should know) I should have completely ignored her a LONG time ago, when everyone else started ignoring her too. That is what we are taught to do with "abusive", i.e., mean people. Playing their game with them, unless you are a mean person yourself, is a sure way to get yourself in an unhappy situation. They always "win" because they are willing to go farther than you ever would. (blame shifting......see article at bottom of page) They do not have conventional limits, or depths of depravity. I should KNOW that, having lived with one for seven years. (she's been living with one FOREVER....herself) My bad, entirely.
So what is it about ME that I would entertain a person like her, the type of person that once recognized, most normal people steer clear of? (YOU'RE A CRAZED NARC ABUSER WITH A PATHOLOGICAL NEED TO ALWAYS BE RIGHT, MAYBE???) That's the real issue. I did get paid to entertain some very sick people for many years, but I'm devoting forty five minutes of my morning to writing this out for free and that is not good. (typical NARC..thinks people should pay her for her abusing them) I should be above even giving it a moment of my attention. It's middle school drama. Yet . (yet). . she tried to get me in "trouble" at work. My job is the singular thing that provides me with . . . everything. I went to school for five years and spent 40K on the education to get it. I've spent the last almost 19 years of my life "being" a nurse. It's the kind of vocation that uses up your entire intelligence and personhood. It is a sacrifice, and a gift, to be a nurse. (WHAT A SAINT...)
Jobs are dear nowadays, in this economy. (this one cracks me up!!.. let's not forget BinkStink raving on for days that yours truly doesn't have a a job because i am a lazy ass!!.. who refuses to 'try'... even told a severely disabled person who stumbled on her blog their poverty and INABILITY to work was somehow THEIR FAULT... that we're people who want to steal from the 'gubbermint'... please refer to the 'OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION' posts) Even nursing jobs.
A year and a half ago, I went through Hell to get back on my feet, a lot of terrific fear, a complete change of venue (I used to be a psych nurse and retrained for this job). I had to become a novice again, after several years of being at the "top" of my field. (DAMN... you'd think the bitch would have a little empathy for others if this was the case) I'd lost my confidence entirely, thanks to subjecting myself to a very bad man. I didn't just lose my confidence in my looks or wifeliness, I lost it all, across the board. So it is, for me, a particularly low blow, to have a gnashing crazy woman hate that I disagree with her and then proceed to try and take me down where it matters. Which she can't do, but it's the THOUGHT, you know? (she seems pretty WORRIED about something i 'can't do') It's her intention. (yes. it is.) It would bring her great satisfaction to know she brought me down. (YES IT WOULD) See, what I did, was much more than call bullshit and confront her about the inconsistencies and evasions in her "story". (classic Narc: playing martyr here... minimizing her dozens of hateful spews... just like with stalking the Catboxers... she meant no harm... uh huh... she has a bridge in Brooklyn for sale too..) TO HER.
But to HER, the magnitude of what I did to her is EQUAL to the magnitude of what she has attempted to do with me. She can't tell the difference, and is therefore, a dangerous person. Finding her father after refusing to believe her sob story (there she goes again... she posts some crazy shit about some KKK member..then says he's my father ..... and here she goes again... gee...can't imagine why i'd be offended and angry.... can't imagine why i would report this crazy bitch!) this , and eventually banning her for endless name-calling twaddle was tantamount in her mind to justify fucking with my sole means of support. For my daughter, grandson, son, and animals, (WOW... sounds like it just might be BinkStink's adult DAUGHTER and SON who are 'bleeding the gubbermint'... gee, BinkStink... your lazy ass, adult DAUGHTER and SON don't have a jOBS???. WHY NOT??? they're out there!!. that's what you told me!!. anyone who 'doesn't have a job is a piece of lazy trash'!!. that's what you said to ME!!! soooo are your lazy ass adult daughter and son WORTHY of government aid???...FOOD STAMPS???...WELFARE??? got some of those nasty welfare moochers you despise so living in the same house with you?????? )... NOT just me.
From what I know about personality disorders, a person WITH one is a person with a hazy, indistinct sense of self. (PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE i'm assuming) It is easily threatened, and viciously defended. An insult is life or death. They are both grandiose and so insignificant to themselves. This is the mechanism that drives them to crush others who disagree with or reject them. (thanks for explaining yourself) They cannot just walk away and say "whatEVER!!" (nope..not even when someone they are stalking tells them they're going to call their employer) They mistakenly believe rejection is a death blow. And their response is overshot accordingly, another death blow. When we are talking ideas and honesty and integrity, which are much higher on the food chain than they can grasp, they are struggling, like a 13 year old terror of a kid, for a simple sense of SELF. The sense they do have is so fragile a breeze would dislodge it. It really is life and death, to them.I can better understand "mean people" from this point of view. We were all 13 years old, and remember our pathetically youthful torments. They were real at the time, but as we matured, awareness with less self centeredness abided.
I think it must be hell to be fifty something years old, with the coping skills of a 13 year old, the same fears and terrors but ugly rather than cute. (she can only imagine because she's only 44 right now...) And NO adult around to provide for you while you grow up and get over yourself. Worse, to be unaware that this is how you appear to others . . . not a victim at all, but a lunatic to be feared. (PROJECTION...HIPPODROME PROJECTION) People in their fifties with the emotional maturity of a 13 year old ARE VERY scary people. (as are crazy whack job Narcs in their 40's... entrusted with the CARE of very sick people!!!) As any of us who have married one can testify.This is the essence, as I understand it, at the heart of mean people everywhere. They can accumulate the bells and whistles of experience, appear to gain sophistication and complexity in their machinations, but at the bottom of it all, they have a severe developmental delay.Feeling sympathy for such a person is natural enough . . . but considering the damage they can and do cause others, the sympathy is misplaced. Ironically it is sympathy that they demand, for they pity themselves above all other suffering.Although they DO suffer terribly, they haven't suffered adequately, in the "right way". (maybe you'll soon suffer adequately... and in the 'right' way BinkStink) They may never suffer enough in the way they need to, to rise up and grow up.
If I must indulge that petty part of me, I imagine what a sad and joyless life it must be, to be her. (speaking of herself in THIRD person. as she tends to do? hahahahaha) And that each attempt to hurt or destroy other people (I am not the first, or last) puts another brick in the wall around her, isolating her further. Reinforcing her self loathing, and shame. The really sad part is that each time you attempt to hurt another person for your own pleasure, you are damning yourself to further pain. (BINGO, BinkStink) Because of your hazy lack of self to begin with, the acts of hatred appear to come from outside yourself, and you are victimized, over and over again without respite. It is an anguished feedback loop. The solution is forever just outside your reach, because you refuse to see yourself as having any power to make a change. The checkbook is always in someone else's pocket. And the withholding seems deliberate. Mark my words, she will copy and paste this and send it to corporate headquarters. (wow... finally right about something... and I am using MY OWN BLOG to post about it too) She will be unable to resist embellishing it with different colors of font and her own commentary. (nope... saved that for HERE... my own blog... corporate headquarters can read your unvarnished spew for themselves...) And cross referencing past entries. (nope -- saved that for here too!) It will take hours of her time, (3 minutes) and she has it.And when will they get tired of being hammered by six to ten emails per day from her? (blatant lie... i guess now 'HER PEOPLE' tell her how many emails i send them.. this is classic Narc... critcizing even my COMPLAINT against her!!!!)
Sheer volume and force is how abusive people seek their validation, isn't it?I pity this woman, and am curious about her, fascinated by her disease process. She IS human, after all, and so am I. Like I said before, abusiveness is so common it is boring. It is so human, to be abusive and to be victimized. Our teachers come at us from all directions and shapes, I tell you :) That is a comfortable, workable conclusion for me, one where I do not hate or wish revenge on ATM, or this woman, knowing they need no help as they undo themselves.
what a touching pack of lies...
it's all my fault that she wouldn't stop stalking me from Providence Medical Centers computers!!.
it's all my fault she was stalking and attacking me period!!.
and she's going to forgive me for it!!.
thanks, BinkStink, you crazy bitch... this reminds of when Mike McGrannahan forgave me for him trying to murder me!!!.
thanks sooooooooo much... now... go empty a commode, if you still have a job... or while you still have a job... and let me be CLEAR: stay off my blog...stop slandering me on yours... and OWN YOUR OWN STUFF as your hero Irene would say!!!
Here's a couple of doctors who have STUDIED Narcissists and their "apologies" for years in a scholarly paper published a few years ago... SEE IF THESE EXCERPTS DON'T SOUND LIKE ALL OF BINKSTINK's B.S. above:
What intrigues us about the reparation process when a narcissistic defense is operating is that what is repaired is not the damage to the relationship, but the subject's illusion of perfection. Narcissistically impelled people may be at least temporarily incapable of genuine expressions of remorse, because inherent in an apology is the admission that one is not needless and faultless.
What a narcissistically defended person seems to do instead of apologizing is to attempt a repair of the grandiose self in the guise of making reparation with the object. We have identified several different ways that narcissistically motivated people tend to substitute some other kind of interpersonal transaction for an apology.
Appealing to Good Intentions
People who are engaged in defending their internal grandiosity may become adept at giving ostensible apologies that really amount to self-justifications. Narcissistically driven people do not seem to understand that saying one is sorry represents an expression of empathy with the injured party irrespective of whether the hurt was intentional or avoidable.
The organizing, overriding issue for people with narcissistic preoccupations is the preservation of their internal sense of self-cohesiveness or self-approval, not the quality of their relations with other people. As a result, when they feel their imperfections have been exposed, the pressing question for them is the repair of their inner self-concept, not the mending of the feelings of those in their external world (cf. Stolorow's [1979b] definitions of narcissism). They are consequently likely, in a state of defensiveness about exposed faults, to protest that they meant to do the right thing, as if the purity of their inner state is the pertinent issue - to others as well as to themselves.
If one displaces the issue to the area of intention an error has in fact occurred. If one displaces the issue to the area of intention, an error has not occurred, since one's intentions were faultless.
A related substitute for apologizing is the practice of explaining. Unless the listener is particularly sensitive, an explanation can sound remarkably like an apology.
The advantage of the explanation to the person protecting a grandiose self is that it avoids both asking for something (forgiveness) and admitting to a sphere of personal responsibility that includes the risk of inevitable shortcoming. Hence, the illusion of personal needlessness and guiltlessness is maintained. ...substitutes that may appear to connote remorse, but actually stop short of expressing sorrow and making emotional reparation.
A special case of the explanation sans apology is that of the person who has become adroit in offering his or her psychodynamics as explanatory, exculpating principles behind behavior that is remiss. "Maybe I was acting out my envy," or "I wonder if I did that because I'm going through an anniversary reaction to my sister's death," are the kinds of nonapologies typically offered by the psychoanalytically sophisticated when protecting a grandiose self-concept.
Because the explainer is defending his or her action to an internal critic who expects perfection, the listener often ends up, because of being the target of a projective-identification process, feeling inarticulately critical.
We have noticed the tendency for narcissistically vulnerable people to engage in a kind of ritual self-castigation in the wake of an undeniable or unrationalizable failing toward someone. This is a process even more elusive than explaining, and harder to distinguish from true apologizing. This recrimination is expressed to witnesses and objects of the transgression with the implicit invitation that the transgressor should be reassured that despite the lapse, he or she is really fine (i.e., perfect or perfectable), after all.
In the case of a person with a narcissistic character disorder, recrimination is probably as close as he or she ever comes to apologizing, and is doubtless believed to constitute sorrow and reparation.
Deflecting Blame
The readiness of narcissistically vulnerable people to convey criticism is equaled only by their resistance to assimilating it. Frequently, they seem to have mastered the art of deflecting blame.
A response to the effect of "I'll confess that I acted that out, but I think you have your part in this, too," is typical.
The process boils down to: "I feel mortified that you saw a limitation in me because I aspire to perfection. You probably aspire to perfection, too, or should, so I'll point out that you haven't yet reached it, either."
[The Narcissist] structures the psychological situation as follows: "If you deny your part in the dynamic, you are self-deluded and therefore not worth listening to; if you admit it, you and I can lament your shortcomings together, construe my actions as responsive to your mistakes, and avoid looking at my own problems."
from: Narcissistic Pathology of Everyday Life: The Denial of Remorse and Gratitude; Nancy McWilliams, Ph.D. and Stanley Lependorf, Ph.D.
WOW...that didn't take long... BinkStink has now chosen two new people to attack... both from Our Place... where she is banned and not wanted... where she is now doing her stalking... good for me... bad for them... she's hard at it... diagnosing and attacking... some excerpts...
Lately, on both boards, I'm noticing a great degree of illness amongst the members (what a SURPRISE..).(gee...this all sounds familiar)
Her solution is to punish and terrorize to get her needs met, and because she ALSO happens to be in an abusive relationship does not make her a saint. It's only to be expected that she would not be with a wholesome man, hello. And she is jerking everyone's chain over there. I won't mention "where" for the sake of respect for the forum.(i will...because i have no respect for the forum....OUR PLACE ) She is getting mundo attention, the kind that pleases her greedy little heart, which focuses upon what a victim she is, what a horrible man she is with, and she is feasting. (wow... this vicious attack is on a member she doesn't know at all... just picked her out of the line up... )
The face of the victim of domestic violence is also the face of the perp in HIS (or her) equally self centered dysmorphia. As I've written before, the unthinkable is true, that at heart, the victim and perp suffer from the same condition. They just take up position on opposite poles of the same problem. At heart, they are equally as greedy and destructive, at least in results. I know this is what makes me a pariah in the domestic violence victim community, this willingness of mine to point out the stain on the lily white garment of the abused.(that among a HOST of other things... like being an abusive hateful whack job NARC BITCH) Just remember I wore that garment, and at least now deliberately act it out rather than deny it.(the garment BinkStink needs to be wearing has wrap around arms that tie in the back)
Watch Ceeking. She is not doing well, at all. I suspect this has been going on all along, most people in their mid life do not break down into psychosis, that's an early twentysomething gig.( she's diagnosing yet another victim as psychotic) She's been fighting this for a very long time. She is begging for people to connect with her, to shore her up because she is sinking. I used to be a psych nurse and the only thing I can think of to do for her is medicate her so she does not sink so low. (OMG.. how about medicating yourself, BinkStink... how about maybe OVERMEDICATING yourself )
I am not insulting her or feeling repulsed. She is sliding down the slide, and finally letting us in on it. She does not wear her illness on her sleeve, as most on these boards do .(ahhh... everyone is crazy... except BinkStink... this is all verrrrrry familiar to those of us who were victims of pathologicals...) I am worried about her, she is a person who needs emergent help :( . I hope she is directed toward that, and to find out that she is just one of us, not so bad or special at all, rocked in the arms of just being a regular person. I haven't had a lot of luck redirecting people who are running so fast from themselves, when they believe their Self is an enemy.
It's just sad, and for what it's worth, I would stop her, physically restrain her from running, hold her down until she gives up (eeewwwwwwwwww)and keep her safe while she sobs and lets herself come back.(GEEEZ... someone restrain this bitch...) I am guilty of making it too simple, I know
same spew... new victims... some things never change... especially when the THING is a NARC... and the Narc is BinkStink...
[ - *Glitter Words*]
let's take another look at BinkStink... a case study in narcissism and psychopathy... .BinkStink in the update above is viciously attacking a woman on another forum... not me... someone else.. a complete stranger...
and... BinkStink is not a member of that forum.. because BinkStink is pre-banned from that forum... so noxious she was banned by the moderators before she could join!..
this woman she is attacking... she simply went over to Our Place... and picked out the most hurt and hurting member there and attacked her... predators attack those they think are weak... and BinkStink is a predator...
to be clear... BinkStink went back to a board that will not even take her as a member... out of the 100s of abuse victim support boards on the web... and she picked out a new member who's in bad need of support & validation... and attacks this poor woman on her blog...
anyone who might not believe that BinkStink is a ravaging wolf needs to read about the woman BinkStink is attacking... she has gone back to her abuser.. time and again... he beats her... but she goes back... she cuts herself... this poor woman... when someone ask s her why she keeps going back... this is her reply... 'because I hate myself. I deserve it'... this woman is in horrible pain... taking beatings... harming herself... and saying she hates herself... brainwashed and controlled by her abuser... and this again is what BinkStink has to say....
Her solution is to punish and terrorize to get her needs met, and because she ALSO happens to be in an abusive relationship does not make her a saint. It's only to be expected that she would not be with a wholesome man, hello. And she is jerking everyone's chain over there. I won't mention "where" for the sake of respect for the forum. She is getting mundo attention, the kind that pleases her greedy little heart, which focuses upon what a victim she is, what a horrible man she is with, and she is feasting.
i think these few sentences say about all there is to say about BinkStink... and is the entire reason I call people out... people & organizations who hurt other genuine victims of abuse are on my radar... especially those doing it under the 'guise' of 'helping' victims...
BinkStink's a predator...who claims to be an abuse victim herself... but who is in reality a soul-less monster... completely lacking in empathy or compassion... and in the narcissistic raging rant above, she really lets it show... although she claims to have attacked and stalked and slandered me for months... using all the typical Narc reasons... according to her i had it coming... she was just joking around... i started it... (SOUND FAMILIAR FELLOW VICTIMS?)
all you have to do is look at the paragraph above... to see that BinkStink is a psychopath... who attacks simply to be attacking... because she takes PLEASURE in hurting others... all you have to do is read the paragraph she wrote about a woman she has never had any interaction with at all... other than to stalk her and predatorize her... with words... it's the ravening psychopath BinkStink who is 'feasting'... on the suffering off a woman in great pain and distress... making fun of her pain... deriding her... belittling her... eating her alive...
BinkStink is a MONSTER.
by the psychopath Mike McGrannahan
"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men." -- Leonardo Da Vinci
“I do not bring forgiveness with me, nor forgetfulness. The only ones who can forgive are dead; the living have no right to forget.” -- Chaim Herzog
''Justice is incidental to law and order." - J. Edgar Hoover
"Life is life's greatest gift. Guard the life of another creature as you would your own because it is your own. On life's scale of values, the smallest is no less precious to the creature who owns it than the largest." -- Lloyd Biggle Jr.
When a man has pity on all living creatures only then is he noble. --Buddha
Posted by no one you know at 3:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: attack, bink, blame, briesis, catbox, control freaks, denial, hypocrisy, narcissists, not me, our place, providence medical centers, stalker, stalking